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How to get rid of a Scorpio

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Ahh, transiting Saturn 7, you old devil. Made me think that everyone around me was "not good enough" for me. How right you were about many of them!

Case in point: I befriended a fellow student back in February. She's a Scorpio (I don't know her birth date).

I kind of got the feeling from the get-go that she wasn't someone I should have been friends with, but me being a Neptune 7, well, we pity these folks too much. Shortly after speaking with me, she began to behave oddly. She'd offer to pay for meals and ask to take me out for drinks. She'd sit there stroking my hair, telling me all her emotional and sexual problems. She'd call me every evening (I didn't answer half the time); she'd text me and - if she didn't get an immediate response - freak out because she didn't hear from me. She was treating me like a substitute boyfriend. Occasionally she'd scream and berate me (once she yelled at me "this is why I have no female friends" after I made a joke). She's obsessed with my attention.

I'm cutting her off, though I have to do it just right, since I work on campus.

I've had it with weirdos. I'm at my limit. Reached my quota.

Suggestions and similar experiences - please share!

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I feel ya. I also have Saturn transiting the 7th. And that's funny, I actually have a Scorpio I met recently who I'd like to be rid of too.

In my case I am just going to try and walk away, the slow fade. It sounds like you've already tried to make yourself unavailable to her though.

It's hard to cut someone off with grace. Honestly, I would proceed as you have been and make the move next time she reacts in an extreme way. Tell her you can't tolerate that and you're done, then completely stop responding to or acknowledging her. She may still be upset with you but at least it will be harder for her to turn you into the villain, if she has any ounce of self-reflection at all. And if she never does anything negative again for you to do that, then...that's good too.

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I keep trying to get rid of a Scorpio but he keeps coming back. He hasn't called in weeks this time...perhaps he's finally done. I sent him a poison pen email, told him I'd lost all respect for him, called him a pendejo. He called to defend himself then banged on my door one afternoon. I ignored him. Opened my door hours later. He had left all my stuff there. Then he called me a few weeks later. Wanted to hang out sometime. I was very friendly and pleasant. I'm an idiot. There's no reason for us to ever meet up again. He's the only man I've ever known whose Mars is conjunct my Venus but we got too much square stuff going on, not enough trine. 

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If you tell a Scorpio's secrets, that'll do it.

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I will be doing just that. Thing is, you Scorpios are not wont to let go. I'm afraid she'll stalk me. I just want a clean break.

I imagine this Mars retro will be tough on her, since it will slide back into Scorpio in a few weeks. I'll hide from the fireworks. I know it's a bad time for open conflict too, but I wouldn't want to start that anyway, retrograde or not: People like her love to play the victim.

I'm convinced there's an afflicted Neptune in her chart. Wish I had her birth data.

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I had a Scorpio friend like that once.  I have a lot of Scorpio planets myself, but she was into a lot of weird sex stuff, like orgies and S&M,  which she told me all about, but I just couldn't take it anymore.  Some of the guys she was with were just so mean to her.  One time I got a call at 3am to come pick her up somewhere because the guy she was with threw her out of his car and she had no way home.  

I felt sorry for her, but I ended up just avoiding her.  I wouldn't return her phone calls for weeks and when I did call I would say how busy, busy, busy I was.  I love Scorpios normally, but she was a negative type Scorpio.  Nothing but trouble.  The last time I saw her a few years ago, she was working at the same company with her husband and having an affair with her married boss.  I don't want that in my life.

Maybe if you make yourself unavailable all the time she'll get the message.

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