
How To Take Revenge...
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How To Take Revenge On A Scorpio

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Leanne asked on this post:

"Hi. I was dumped by one and I’m going through pain right now . I have question if there’s any way to take revenge on them ? He left me still loving him . He said he is doing that for himself . Thanks in advance!"

Can someone field this?  It's not something I would do so I have no ideas.  I will refer her to this thread.


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the only revenge is moving on and living your best life without em

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@belladonna the thing is , I can’t let him to treat me like this . He was super manipulative in this relationship, using my feelings . It seemed like I was fly in spiders web . I  don’t even know when I caught feelings for him. I’m hard to get so he needed time to catch me in his web . But he did :/. Then he start playing his game : crazy about me , super super cold , crazy and cold again . I have never felt  something like this . The last time I saw him , he kissed me and we had a good time . Then week after he dumped me , saying he has to do it for himself , he feels like it’s not right . He tried to get me for 3 years and ended it up like it was nothing special :(. I was always good to him , loyal , but I wasn’t easy to control , maybe that’s why he dumped me . I don’t want to be mean and cruel , because  it’s not me . I’m very kind person . I just don’t know how to act after break up . Being cold and distant to him helps ? And living my own life and enjoying it , it’s going  to piss  him off ?

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@leanne89 I am sorry you are in pain but my suggestion would be to take ownership of where you were weak in boundaries to invite this kind of person into your life or which red flags you might have overlooked. You are participating.

We teach people how to treat us but we don't get to control how they behave... "I can't let him treat me like this" ... then don't, cut him out. You are wasting your own energy thinking you can control him otherwise through revenge. Revenge is an illusion... move on 

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The best revenge is living well.  Forget about what others think or say, it is none of their concern.  Also, when you expend time and energy seeking revenge, you are giving away your own personal power.  That is very toxic.

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Posted by: @leanne89

He tried to get me for 3 years and ended it up like it was nothing special

This sounds more like Aries.  Some people like the challenge more than having the prize. Sorry. 🙁

I wonder where is Mars is...and his moon.

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@elsa I have to disagree as a person with an Aries Mars and Venus. 3 years? I personally would have to really want something to try for that long and wouldn’t give up on it very quickly once had. To me it sounds like Scorpio mind games… only a Scorpio could do that for 3 whole years. They could do it for an eternity if they are getting something from it.

Sounds like a real jerk for wasting your time. I don’t blame you for being pissed. As was said earlier, living well is always the best revenge. Have goals and meet said goals, care about and continue to work on and improve your physical, mental and emotional health. Be happy/grateful for what you have. Be proud of yourself for everything you accomplish. Prove that he is a stupid ass for losing you. You didn’t lose him— he lost you, period.

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@la_sirena Well, it's a Mars thing; to start things you don't finish. And Aries loves the thrill of the chase. He also says it's for ME which is Aries as well.

I also feel bad for her but I'm not sure you can exact revenge on a person like this.

I think she's getting good advice from everyone. There is nothing to do but move on.  I wish we could see the charts.

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The only revenge is getting to a healthy place where you replace them 🤣

If we still care or consider you to be ours it would sting baaaad. Let that be your motivation to move on

Also really work on your looks and life. Make it like he was holding you back 😛

Libra Noir
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The pain you feel is the loss, and somehow you might feel connected to him by getting revenge. Like- if he could feel what you feel, you wouldn’t be so alone in it. Maybe?

Also, it probably seems like he took something but never gave? But obviously he did give you something because you miss it. He still has power over you then so revenge is impossible. Anything you do, will be because he is still in control of you. Could that be what you are really upset about? That he was always in control- still is- and you never were. Revenge will only feed his power- not yours because it’s still his energy you are working off of. 

You also might’ve been easier to control than you think (and some of your pain might be from that realization too- a shattering of self image). 

You just gotta find another way to get your power back. Start a new hobby, sit in nature, etc. Maybe you could ask yourself what makes you feel most powerful. Try to evoke the feeling of “power” in the body- like literally feel it- so that you recognize it when it happens. Plus, it helps you to realize that power is always internal and yours- only you can give it away. So also forgive yourself for giving it away. He may have tricked you into it, but sometimes teachers do that to show you something. Life sometimes uses peoole in that way. Don’t miss the lesson here. 

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@libra-noir great advice and insight.

Libra Noir
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@elsa Thank you. It’s only because I’ve been there.

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