I have mars conjunct saturn in scorpio in house 3
Sometimes i feel pushed to act but many times I feel guilty of thigs done and said in a rush, and other times I overthink things and end up doing anything or late! I feel this a lot of times .. and feeling misunderstood. It's like trying to find balance many times
Anyone have this type of energy in your charts? How you deal with it?
Think about pulling them together. It'd good for discipline and focusing on a goal.
Oh I have a similar set placement! Think about things like self control! I was in a consult with Elsa and the word escaped me at the time but basically that
And in the house of communication ... yes, being u der pressure don't do for me I have to work in the self control to not say anything rushed under pressure without thinking, jump to conculsions ..etc. You know what I mean. I'd love to think more on my feet! 😀
I’ve got mars Mercury Saturn so I relate
I also have mars conjunct saturn in Scorpio, but in my 12th. I am guessing you were born in 1984 too? For me I need to do my best to have integrity. It is like instant karma if I don't have good intentions at a minimum. I need to be doing the right thing. It gives me focus and endurance to achieve a goal, but it can't be for superficial reasons because then my subconscious won't stick to it.
I think the heavy mercury influence is the cause for your issues with rushing. I have mercury opposite and I have also said things in haste. I think this placement is also a slow burn to anger but then you can get pushed over the edge and erupt. That is also something I try to control by being aware of what is going on for me subconsciously and having more presence of mind. I am a long distance runner and that also helps me kind of meditate and provides time to think through things.