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Karmic lessons

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(@Anonymous 23295)
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Right now I'm going through a rather tight Saturn opposition to my natal Saturn/Mars conjunction. 

I've read that many transits manifest in the form of people we meet who are to teach us some lessons. And to my surprise I did start dating a man who's the living embodiment of all that I lack Saturn-wise: consistency, method, systematic thinking, discipline and hard work.

However, I'm not happy with him, always frustrated, angry or upset. He's emotionally unavailable and has never done any healing. 

I'm also a bit apprehensive as I've read somewhere,too, that avoiding karmic lessons and paying off karmic debts might bring some negative consequences. So, I'm in two minds whether to stop this relationship and pull myself together (less efficiently) or stay with him letting him be my role model and support system. 

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(@Anonymous 23295)
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I would appreciate any suggestions and advice

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Posted by: @Anonymous

However, I'm not happy with him, always frustrated, angry or upset. He's emotionally unavailable and has never done any healing. 

I don't mean this in an unkind way. I don't know you, don't know how old you are, etc.  But I would point out, the Mars Saturn conjunction, belongs to you.

It could be you're pissed and frustrated; judging this man's "lack", rather than looking at side of this.  He's there to teach you, probably.  I can't say for sure. We have no charts.


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(@Anonymous 23295)
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Posts: 8

@elsa Thank you for your comment! I'm totally ok with it. I'm trying to be open to any ideas in order to get to the bottom of this. I guess that my Mars/Saturn conjunction might mean "push-pull" action. I tend to spring into action but then lose impetus because of some inner blockages.

I was not sure if it's appropriate to post my chart here. 

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@bluesmachine you're welcome to post your chart... though it may block you from doing so, because you're new.  It's an auto forum spam thing...

But if you can't upload a pic of your chart, you can post a link to a picture and I or someone can upload it for you.

I am not sure the criteria for allowing uploads, but you're probably near passing it.

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I do not know if this fits your case but in my experience if I did not learn the lesson another Saturn figure was brought in. Wishing you the best.

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(@Anonymous 23295)
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Posts: 8

@jana Thank you for your input! It sounds comforting

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(@Anonymous 23295)
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My natal chart 2024

 My name is Anna

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Your Mars Saturn is aimed at your Venus - Neptune is involved.

This is exactly what your original post sounded like.  Time to learn about that t-square and it's affect on your relationships, as fast and as well as you can.

(Which is what you are trying to do, right now). ❤️  

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(@Anonymous 23295)
Joined: 2 months ago

Posts: 8

@elsa Thank you Elsa so much, it was actually you who helped me identify this T-square (some time ago), after I'd been struggling with my natal chart for many-many years (seen two astrologers, taken a beginner course as well, but to no good). 

Looking back at my relationships now, I see that I was able to morph into any person my partner wanted me to be (Venus-Neptune opposition), sticking to him through thick and thin to the point of complete denial of my own needs (Saturn-Mars) - which is very far from a healthy relationship. 

Well, I'm learning to unlearn these patterns. The good thing is that there's so much to discover, I'm sure. 🙂 

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