
Mars - Pluto contac...
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Mars - Pluto contacts in synastry.

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I have been reading a ton about them because with one person in my life, I have a trine at 0 degrees (her Pluto in Libra to my Gemini Mars) and a conjunction at 2 degrees (her Scorpio Mars to my Scorpio Pluto). 

As much as I read, I cannot really comprehend if this is a hate aspect or a love aspect. I keep running across stuff like "intensity" but I also read that this is the prime domestic abuse aspect.

Evaluating my own relationship, I notice I get jealous a lot when she gives other guys more attention but I have learned to control that.

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Posted by: @callingthehypocrisy

As much as I read, I cannot really comprehend if this is a hate aspect or a love aspect. I keep running across stuff like "intensity" but I also read that this is the prime domestic abuse aspect.

Years ago, I wrote about my husband and I being VERY jealous and possessive of each other. I'm sorry, I think these posts are probably gone at this point. In whatever case, my husband felt it was normal and okay to feel jealous. You love someone and you don't want anyone to mess with your woman?

I took a ration of shit over that, but it was exactly how I felt as well. But these feelings have been pathologized in the modern day.

Really, I think it comes down to instinct, which is a Pluto-ruled thing, as far as I know.

The culture wants to dictate how people should or should not feel but in reality, each individual feels and thinks as they so, provided they can edit out the noise - no small task!

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It's not even love, even in work when someone else gets more credit for working on a project together it brings those infuriating feelings. I found it odd because it is like jealousy was a trigger that ironically heightened attraction. 

Somehow the feelings got extremely powerful and I did a synastry chart, kept finding whether I put in the birth time or not, that the most exact aspect at 0 degrees was my Gemini Mars trine her Libra Pluto. Found it really odd but it seemed to explain some things.

Then I went around and did readings, whatever I could find on the web really, and found that most google pages are just copies of each other lol. Things like violence and intensity came up far too often.

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