
Mercury square Mars...
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Mercury square Mars -- "The Bolter?"

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Does the natal Square of Mercury/Mars indicate a tendency to "bolt" -- jump ship, desert the post, abandon goals?  My grandfather and I shared these three placements within one degree:

24 Aries Sun, 1 Aries Mercury, 0 Cap Mars.

Aries Sun could certainly be bold and impulsive, but would the Mercury/Mars Square explain why we each failed to keep commitments in our earlier years?  

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This would not be my first guess. Leaving is a Jupiter / Sadge / 9th house thing. 
Escape / avoidance is Neptune / Pisces.

Mercury and Mars is fast thinking and fast walking. If in Sagittarius - then I would look at impulsive leaving.

Mercury Mars is not really about leaving though. It's far more likely to stay and fight.

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Thank you!  His Jupiter was conjunct my Libra Neptune in my 9th.  His Mars was actually 29 Sag, conjunct my 0 Cap Mars in my 12th.  He had Venus in Pisces, and Moon/Uranus in Leo conjunct my Pluto/Vertex.  His Aries Neptune/Chiron were conjunct (our) Sun.  I'll never know his birth time since the only birth record is an 1875 town register book.

He left his wife and four sons in 1918 - one relative said she told him to leave because "every time you come back I have another baby."  Or was it drink, gambling, another woman, insanity?  He was listed as a "transient" when he died after being hit by three cars in 1935 about 150 miles from home.  A letter informing my grandmother said that he'd had a train ticket for home in his pocket.

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