
Neptune Enters Arie...
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Neptune Enters Aries in 2025 - Another Civil War?

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Neptune will ingress into Aries on March 30, 2025. Pluto will be in Aquarius at that time.

Neptune entered Aries on, April 13 1861. This is the same day Fort Sumter fell to The Confederacy, marking the beginning of the American Civil War which saw 620,000 people be killed.

This is the chart of ingress. It seems overwhelming.

2025 Neptune Ingress Aries

What do you think about this? What do you see or feel?


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The trauma and violence of the Civil War is being recapitulated now.

Piscean and Aquarian influences mask and often repress the instincts that erupt into violence.

I would suspect Neptune in Aries this time around will be different.....

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@don different good or different bad?

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Different good.

The North Node of the Moon in Pisces will be conjunct Saturn shortly thereafter. The propensity of Neptune for high minded notions that mask and obscure instincts will be reined in.

I also like Pluto in Aquarius for its potential to bring down collective Aquarian elitism ( vaccine mandates) and to begin to restore us to Solar responsibility and individuality

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There was no stellium in April 1861. This seems more profound, global.

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OK, so I have a Pisces Moon, but the way I'm considering this transit is by focusing on the fact that Ghandi was born under Neptune in Aries. 

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Meant to add, for clarity, Ghandi was a peaceful spiritual warrior. 

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This is possibly not helpful but maybe interesting: someone I listen to a lot is involved with mediation as a way to become closer to God, and has referenced 2025 as a date when a number of people involved with this practice have been given as a time when a "great something" should occur. My mind went to civil war, or some kind of crack/division. (Sorry for that long sentence, I hope it's clear.)

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Any new thoughts on this?

I’ve been thinking about this for a few days because of the Neptune/Men post. 

Really, war seems unavoidable in the coming decade for the United States. Pluto in Aquarius and its historical connection to revolutions around the world. Neptune’s ingress into Aries at the beginning of the Civil War, which inspired the war strategy for other nations at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. Uranus’ return to Gemini just before the Civil War began (1858), not to mention WWII (1941). 

Could war happen on US soil? Or is it more likely to signify our involvement in overseas conflict? When I consider these transits against the Sibley chart, and history, they seem to signify Huge shifts within the country and culture itself, specifically due to war.

I have no idea what a war would look within the borders of the United States.

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@buendia I heard someone the other day saying maybe the near future is about the fall of the strong-arm dictators (Putin, Assad, Lukashenko, the Mullahs of Iran, etc). It's something to consider.

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@cml interesting, and definitely something to consider. I know there are some who consider the US to have a “strong arm.” Whether those people are correct or not, it’s also something to consider with the upcoming transits for the US. I’m not familiar with the mundane charts of those nations. I was more remarking on what looks inevitable regarding the US Sibley chart and upcoming transits, and what these transits have signified historically for the US. I’m not making any claim based on what I think should happen, but rather what I think is most likely.


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