
Outer Planets Conju...
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Outer Planets Conjunct Luminaries

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Anything after Saturn.

I’m somewhat surprised to know two people who have had children born with their Sun and Moon in Taurus, conjunct Uranus in the past year. 

So I was even more surprised when I looked up Bernie Madoff’s chart and saw he had the same configuration!

Obviously I’m not worried that these two kids will turn to the dark side in the way Madoff did. Like many, I’m just fascinated by the events coinciding with Uranus in Taurus right now, and am excited to watch this new generation grow up.

An example that I have more personal experience with are those with Sun conjunct Neptune in Capricorn. These people deviate quite widely from traditional interpretations of Capricorn.

There’ve been other posts related to this topic, but the ones I recall are more specific to Pluto (which are totally valid to share here, too). I’m curious about the other outer planets. If people with Pluto conjunct a luminary are provocative, attractive/repellent, a source of discomfort/obsession for their generation, etc. (this is totally watered down, just trying to make a point. Feel free to expand), in your opinion what are the implications for how those with the other outer planets conjunct the Sun or Moon are perceived/situated by or in their generation? Is there a purpose here? What are your thoughts/experiences?

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My Sun is actually conjunct three outer planets - Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn. I've actually always felt like an outsider but that could be because of my Sun/Uranus conjunction. In my particular generation, it's said we're born to be leaders. Leaders of what, I don't know and if there's a purpose, I haven't found it yet. I'm still looking.

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@purplestargirl Wow that's a lot of big energy!

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It's all in Capricorn too and feels heavy.

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That's interesting about Bernie Madoff. He was an unusual person, to say the least. He could've been great but instead he chose to become a pariah.

I think people with Uranus conjunct their Sun have an excitement about them that sets them apart from others with the same Sun sign. They innovate and do things differently, like it or not. Donald Trump also has Sun conjunct Uranus in Gemini. Whether you love him or hate him, he has an excitement about him that is very compelling.

People with outer planets conjunct their Sun, stand out from their peers. They can think out of the box. It could be good or bad, but they have a blended energy that makes them different. A conjunction blends together. Outer planets represent your place in the world and your generation's challenges. People with these conjunctions have a deeper understanding of these outer challenges we all face and they can help solve them.

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