
Neptune transit nat...
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Neptune transit natal moon

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I'm having this right now in my 10th house.

It's a little... slippery.

People are projecting all sorts of strange stuff on me that is absolutely not true about me or my responsibility to fix. I keep having to say, this is not my problem. You should be talking to X about this.

Oddly enough I feel more under the microscope than ever. Strangers who don't know me are super curious to the point of interfering with my life because they want to 'rescue' me when I don't need or want to be.

I thought this transit would make me less visible or have an impact on parts of my career appearing/disappearing which is kinda happening in a positive way, but jeesh my life isn't a reality TV show scripted for your entertainment.

It's making me a bit paranoid to be honest but that could be because I have a moon/pluto opposition within 5* squaring natal mercury and the ASC.

This is only the 1st hit, neptune with station and go retrograde on the exact degree.

It feels like I have to create a 'brand' for public consumption before being consumed.

Anyone want to weigh in on their own neptune/moon transit?

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It's a difficult transit.  You might find company here:

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I think I'd like to chronicle it here just so I don't wander lost in the fog of different threads.

Neptune going retrograde was a godsend.

Also, my natal moon trines my Scorp stellium so I get support from venus/neptune/jupiter.

My dreams are amazingly vivid on a good day but this transit is otherworldly.

The only way to describe it is like reality and dreaming are interchangeable. So lucid, but exhausting because I'm living two lives in one right now.
All the Scorp planets are in my 6th house. I rode my mountain bike for 2 hrs today. I'm skating again. Grounding the out of body with physical exercise is really helping.

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@sk8samurai I’m right there with you,

33E087F3 FD12 4B61 9DAF 3BCC62285C7B

 My moon conjuncts Saturn - square Neptune IN 8th house IN scorpio, and I also have Mars in Leo natal, I’m in my second Saturn return, I feel invisible, and want to get feedback from you or anyone on my transits also. I was doing ok, but have hit a wall again. I feel doomed. Maybe Jupiter being close to my Chiron and natal Jupiter and ascendant will or can bring me mental relief? 
Ive had two dreams where I was driving and in one dream I drive into this very dark and scary place and so I back my car out........... the other dream I was driving and I saw a bridge, but somehow the traffic was driving into the water, and so did I, but i AGAIN backed my car out ........ twice I’ve dreamed about backing my car out of a potentially scary and deadly situation. Both dreams VERY alive and vivid. 

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@redbird Saturn by transit is retrograding back towards your Moon Saturn conjunction, which will also apply to your Venus Neptune conjunction in Scorpio 8th h. Mars in Leo creates a wide tsquare in your chart with these but is not immediately in the line of fire atm. I view Aquarius placements as pretty traumatic due to the nature of Uranus, so likely some highly painful material is being awoken for release and your dreams are helping you to do this. With the Moon, old trauma can be very early and bodily and not immediately accessible to words hence the strength of dreaming... try to work consciously with what comes up and don't fear it. The sense of invisibility I suspect is linked to Venus Neptune in Scorpio and issues of being seen, easily diffuse or fluctuating sense of self worth but much power available if you dig towards your true self through this transit. I suggest focusing on the empty leg of that tsquare ie. Taurus second house. Yes, Uranus is there bringing change but look to what is new or radically changing in regards to more material and grounded elements of your life. With the 2nd house it can be more grounded or material ways of valuing yourself, like property, marriage/significant relationship, ways of making money from  your talents that come from your Venusian self. Are you attracting anything new or different or are you attracted to things that you weren't before? You maybe can't see the value in changes there but give it time. Look for signs of renewal whilst making space for the wounded you who wants to be acknowledged right now. Your shadow wishes to be integrated. The two elements are part of the same process and will strengthen you as you move forward. This is just my interpretation, maybe others will weigh in with alternate perspectives to consider.

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@sk8samurai I experienced Neptune on my Pisces Moon a few years back, it's at 7* Pisces conjunct Jupiter, but 6th house. I think the house makes a big difference because my experience did involve feeling incredibly sensitive to do with body-mind matters, I had sort of psychosomatic trials (I am fairly psychosomatic 6th houser anyway but it increased 10 fold!) I had a breast lump scare for the first time during that transits, you could say mysterious ailments of the body that had emotional source.. I didn't know anything about cysts and women's breasts then, how common it is with changing hormones etc, I'm more aware now. So it was scary but I see now it was old unconscious fears rising and their finding a focus in my body rather than me acknowledging them. For you this seems more a focus in your interaction with the outside world, what we deem manifest 'reality' and those we encounter 'out there' . Perhaps there is also an unconscious emotional basis to this to be discovered. The positive side of my transit was my creativity blossomed and I became a poet for a time and met other like minded poet souls. It was a beautiful period in that way (the poetry sort of dried up after the transit which was interesting, but I never looked back in knowing that I was a writer). I think alot of fears and also the creativity was connected to my early experience of my mother, or mothering, nurturing and how this had an affect on my health and ability to feel strong and selfcontained, the poetry and writing became my outlet.

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Will post my chart.

The empty leg of my natal T-square involving moon/merc/ pluto is Cancer 2nd house.

So yes- Venus and 'value' is absolutely a key to the puzzle.

I'm an artist as well. The art is coming back after being gone for a while. The tide is coming back in so to speak, along with the fog. I think...

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@sk8samurai I think my replies to you and Redbird got muddled up. The one about the empty leg and Venus was for Redbird and the one about Neptune transit Pisces directly on a Pisces Moon was for you.

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@sk8samurai Good to hear about the art coming back with the tide, it seems to be one of the best ways to deal with the transit.

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astro 2gw s.35930.81211
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Hey now! That worked!

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Hello! I took a quick look but have to run an errand and will look closer later. I’m really not that good at this but, hasn’t  TJupiter been transiting your Midheaven AND squaring your NJupiter and 6th house?,  And with your Midheaven being on the cusp @29 and at Pisces hasn’t that square with the natal stellium had significant influence and energies? I’m REALLY new at this but I believe you can be like a sponge and feel other people’s energy all too well, but you’re solid and and strong with grounding yourself? Yep I imagine the dreams are bizarre and surreal.  Can you write your dreams down and also express your thoughts with people who get in your business by writing and drawing? 

Wow!!!  that is a “really beautiful moon placement”, I bet you have an old soul! But don’t like people overly connecting to you, I bet you are witty and love good conversations and travel. And act much older than others your age. Use that self expression. Redbird 

please give me some feedback as I’m learning here ! 

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I'm an outer planet transit girl.
Meaning that Pluto, Uranus and Neptune have rolled over my inner planet aspects since a young age.

Old soul? Or lost soul?

I have kept a dream journal for years. I also went to school for sculpture and earned a BFA back in the day.

You're right though about Jupiter square while also conjunct NN on top of the Neptune transit.

One minute so confident in saving the world, the next searching frantically for my car keys (I now have 3, yes 3 complete sets of keys).

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