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Pluto in Aquarius and opening windows

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I wanted to start a thread on Pluto in Aquarius that wasn't negative. I was inspired by this post:

Particularly this passage:

My next idea is mostly geared to the Cardinal signs, who have dealt with Pluto all these years. Welcome Pluto into Aquarius by getting yourself some air. I’m talking about opening your windows to purge the stale, depressing energy.

As someone with a Cardinal sun in a late degree, this particularly resonated with me. I have another Pluto-Sun opposition to get through later this year. But I'm taking advantage of this "break" while it's out of sign until June.

I am taking the advice both literally in the sense of opening my window more often, but also metaphorically. This feels like a great time to take a different angle on things and get out of habitual patterns of behavior. I get that other people are sensing a "lightness" with this shift. I've felt it as well.

Pluto in Capricorn started in my senior year of high school, and I've always been pushing through to find stability and status in life even as institutions have crumbled. I'm in a pretty comfortable place with that. What I want now is to go easier on myself and find out what it would mean to live according to my ideals and visions and how that can help with community connections. I can't do that without experimenting and making mistakes, and I think I need to adopt a new perspective to do that fully to the extent I need to (Pluto is transiting my 9th house). One idea...when guilt or fear comes on, to detach from those feelings and look at them objectively (not necessarily discarding them if they're relevant, just stepping back a bit).

This includes the feeling that Pluto in Aquarius is something to be afraid of, which has been rampant the last couple of years. Sure, Pluto is intense by nature, and I'm sure some challenging things will happen. But I believe that if you work with transiting planets and don't reject their energy, they will work with you. What are your ideas for working with this energy?

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I have my windows open, plus have a Gemini and two Libra staying over. Great idea for a thread!

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@elsa Thanks! Sounds like a good time.

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This is a great thread topic!

Also, to be a very personal experience for me, as my sun is 0 Aquarius. “Opening windows” is such a great term for this. The eyes are the windows to the soul but turn that inward; open your eyes (or even your Third Eye) expand your mind, your soul, perhaps.

Leading up to this conjunction has had me much more inquisitive, questioning beliefs. 

As an aside, I’m also having my second Saturn return.

We all have lots of experiences that can help us through these transits. Not that there won’t be new terrain, but we do have some footing we can use. Elsa has reminded me of that. Not her words, as she expresses it much better, but I try to remember it. 

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@allie120 Thanks! Great comments. And sounds like a potent time for you especially. Yes, we do have experiences that can help us out. In a way, the Capricorn transit lays the groundwork for the Aquarius transit if we follow the zodiac cycle. But everything plays a role. I have Pluto in Scorpio natally so I expect to be challenged with this at some point, and that I'll have to put into play things I've learned.

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@space-cadet All the best to you! You’re smart cookies.

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@allie120 Thank you! And yes, I say "I" above but it's a generational thing too.

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I love that someone named @spacecadet started thus thread.

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@elsa Ha! I like the term and enjoy (what I see as) its double meaning. The typical meaning but also, responsive to the goings-on of space!

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i hope so, and aquarius is associated with "hope" ...its more understanding after going through the darkness of pluto capricorn, with covid, restrictions and everything shutting down, no one can have weddings, parties, nothing, and the 2nd year of covid was restrictions, even restaurants you had to go in small groups and only if they are family members or if you lived together and show vaccination on your phone. lots of riots and protestors from teens and young adults because they can't take the staying indoors anymore. so many businesses shut down due to this too.

but also i see aquarius = uranus /pluto = scorpio, with uranus exalted in scorpio.... an interexchange. there's something going on there. the exaltation in scorpio??  and the pluto aquarius, its as if they understand the "change" and "transformation"  because aquarius represents the people and only people need to bring about a change, to change governments and policies. down with the corruption. I think that Pluto capricorn needed to do this, because there is still so much corruption in the world. the purging had to begin.

i think alot of good ideas and reformations will begin in this decade, lots of breakthroughs in science and technology too. 

there's always a dark side of course. but it seemed during pluto capricorn there was always darkness. I didnt see any good from being " in"  it.  but after the storm passed, i see that it had to happen but i still didnt like it. i felt from 2014-2018 was a great time living. i felt the darkness starting to descend in 2019, but it was faint then march 2020 came.

yes so i hope this decade will be much better and i already feel it is lighter and better. there's no more masks to wear, no more restrictions staying home. but there is pollution again because automobiles and planes are running in full speed now. 

so, ok, the only good thing with pluto capricorn was the air pollution was clearing because people stayed indoors. I always hear that capricorn in general is the loner and is not a people person, i see why. lol with pluto capricorn. Even if aqua suns or moons say they dont like people or other sun signs i bet they have some capricorn in them lol  because i think aquarius alone likes people, (maybe because they want to see the good in everyone or most ...but that could be having pisces in them too)  they want to help the general population and make a better world, especially after the destruction of a general population's psyche and too many deaths. they want people to enjoy the world and go out there and breathe some fresh air.

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@elisa These are great insights. I hadn't realized, or had forgotten, Uranus is exalted in Scorpio. That's good to know.

To your points, I think "the people" are going to play a big role with the Pluto in Aquarius transit. It's not just going to be top-down, anything imposed from above will cause a reaction which could lead to bigger changes or reforms.

I definitely think the pandemic and restrictions that came up were a sort of consummation moment for Pluto in Capricorn. I actually believe Sedna in the last degrees of Taurus has something to do with it too, and has some connections with the environmental aspects you mentioned, but that'd be worthy of a separate thread.

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Great topic! To your point about Pluto’s negativity being so prominent, I’m scared of Pluto. This is despite the fact that I am infused by Pluto energy in all sorts of ways. My natal 8H Pluto in Libra shares a house with my 8H sun in Virgo. My MC is in Scorpio (Pluto’s territory) @ 24 deg. I have a 4H Mars in a trine with Pluto. Virgo ruler Mercury is in a trine with Mars...

I have no planets in Aquarius, so Pluto’s occupation of my first house is total. Taking the lesson of satori & Elsa on quincunxes, I expect to see-saw between asserting my 8H Virgo sun sometimes, and sitting humbly before the transiting Pluto in Aquarius at other times. With Pluto being so awe-some, I’m thinking 'asserting oneself' must be done with a light touch (this is my Libra Mercury talking)! This jives with your open window/airy theme.

I’m hoping airy-Aquarius will be my ace. I treasure my Aquarius. Uranus sits on my Scorpio at 0 deg. Saturn trines my Scorpio MC. It’s like my Aquarius has always been a welcome guest in Pluto’s land. Now, it’s Pluto’s turn to be a guest in Aquarius! Will Aquarius be a worthy host? Gulp. I’m Virgo, so to answer, I look to my house of service. My 6H of service has Saturn in it, opposite Aquarius. It must stand up to Pluto, as Pluto makes its way through Aquarius. Where my service is corrupt, Pluto will reveal this. I think this is scary, because it's just so shameful. But maybe Pluto will give me a pass? One can hope. And I’m cheeky enough to ask (Mars in Gemini)! Fiery air.

Mostly, though, Pluto will square, oppose or conjunct my planets for 5-6 years. Tough. I look forward to moments of grace as Pluto makes trines my natal 8H Pluto, my 8H Mercury and my 5H cusp Mars. But that's years from now. In the meantime, I can practice lightly asserting my sun! Serve the planet, even if I'm corrupt here and there. I’ll call on Aquarius too, but not sure for what. I'll just have to have faith that Aquarius will figure it out. (That’s me winging it – air!)

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@aquarius-lurker Thanks for your response! That sounds like a good plan to me. I didn't get into this much in my post but Pluto in Aquarius will affect my chart significantly in transits. Most of it isn't for a while, but some is earlier, like opposing my Mercury at 1 degree Leo and conjuncting my MC at 6 degrees Aquarius. I'm not thinking too much about the Mercury transit yet since Pluto isn't done opposing my Sun and I'd rather deal with one thing at a time, lol. But maybe these thoughts and questions are part of it. I also have faith that Aquarius will figure it out so I can relate on the winging it!

Also, I think we all have some imperfection and darkness that creeps in here and there but I think serving, and trying to do good in the world in spite of that is really the way to win, even (or especially) with a Pluto transit. I have natal Pluto in my 6th house so these themes resonate.

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@space-cadet Wow! Pluto hitting your Sun, then Mercury and then MC is a good sequence, in my view. The image I have is of Space Cadet heading to the Aquarius gym to lift weights (Pluto), maybe experiencing some trash-talk from others in the process, but it strengthens resolve (Sun). Next, off to Aquarius tutorial and colloquium for mental grilling (Mercury) that will fill in the blanks in your perception of people and things. Then, a super-charged Space Cadet starts doing things in the world (MC) from a place of mental and spiritual strength. Not bad!

The downside is that Pluto in Aquarius might mean humanity becomes less and less soulful as the years go by. Aquarius is detached. Hard to connect with. So, as Space Cadet, you might emerge as this super-charged person, but the world might be austere and cold, and may choose not to react to you.

The upside is, maybe the world will be less violent as a result of Pluto in Aquarius, because problems get solved in ingenious fashion. Previously ignored people get a seat at the table. Communities that normally don’t work together, work together! As Space Cadet, you could be the leader you've always dreamed of being... Stuff like that.

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@aquarius-lurker Love this! Thank you! I'll add that I'm a late Cancer so Pluto opposes my Sun on the Capricorn side and I experienced that transit last year as well- it was a challenge but also not as bad as I thought it would be. I'll be interested to see how things go as it finalizes.

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@space-cadet Whoops! So you've been doing endurance tests at Capricorn bootcamp (not pumping iron at Aquarius gym). In any case, I'm glad you'll be done soon. Let us know how the story ends. In a couple of decades, I'll have Pluto opposing my sun also, once it's gone through my first house. Hopefully I'll be wiser then.

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