I think the news / truth is dead. It died with Pluto in Sagittarius.
Here's my question: can it recover? How long a dark period before it might rise from the ashes?
Well, it seems like some of the truth is coming in through the back door of non mainstream news outlets?
The structures that for many represented truth are certainly crumbling.
Perhaps the next Pluto in Gemini, the death (Pluto) of lies (Gemini)?
Not that all Geminis are liars.
Oh absolutely. Everything always balances out on a long enough timeline. Itll manifest differently and then after some time it might be corrupted and then it will die and a new way of seeing the truth will rise up. And so on and so on. I actually feel like we are coming OUT of the darkness.
ScottishFoldSoul said
Well, it seems like some of the truth is coming in through the back door of non mainstream news outlets?
I believe non-mainstream news sources are just as susceptible to agendas. Like that article Elsa shared several days ago, from the fake Christian news website. Clearly not mainstream, but clearly not true either.
To answer the question, I agree that the crumbling of structures is key. When the structures that allow false news to exist and propagate are gone, at least a road to recovery will open. So I'd look toward the end of Pluto in Capricorn. If we're really lucky, maybe by the end of Saturn in Sagittarius there will be honest structures for news/publishing in place. But that may be a little too optimistic at this juncture.