
Pluto in the 3rd Ho...
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Pluto in the 3rd House

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Will be interesting then to see the difference in their 3rd house plutos.

I have some great conversations with my Pluto in 3rd friend. She will talk about things other people avoid talking about.

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I like that take. Yes I am definitely looking forward to seeing how the 2 of them grow - they are similar in many ways Smile

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This is the story of my damn life.
I literally can post randomly some
where that the sky is blue. SOME
ONE WILL TAKE ISSUE, guaranteed.

Case in point: The worlds oldest WW2
veteran, Richard Overton just passed
away. It was posted on my local news
Facebook page. I live in a smaller,
conservative East Texas community.
This is what I posted: "Not only did
Richard Overton serve his country
during WW2, he was segregated from
whites. I know this because I am a
veteran, and while I was on active
duty I asked a retired black veteran
about his service. He explained
that all black troops were segregated
and that it was not pleasant. This was
in the late 1980's, and I had had
absolutely no idea. RIP Mr. Richard
Overton. Thank you for your service
and valor. God bless you and your

A young, very pasty white skinned
woman responded. She said, "Not
always the case though. I knew a
WW2 vet who wasn't segregated and
said his experience was pleasant".

Apparently I have no idea what I am
talking about, and the man I referred
to when I was blissfully unaware all
those years ago when I asked him so
innocently about his service only to
be met with a firm insistence that it
was not a pleasant experience was
completely unfounded and no
segregation actually occurred. SMH.
Richard Overton was born in 1909,
I think we can all safely assume that
he was subjected to segregation for
a good part of his life. Maybe this '
woman who responded will also
claim that the sky is not always blue.
Because of sunset......Sigh....

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I am having this in transit currently.

It has made me more paranoid than I normally am and less talkative, but it has increased my focus and attention. I think this is a good placement for manifesting, learning about the power of thoughts. I love digging deep and learning so this just helps with that.

Definitely did affect my relationship with my sister for the better so far. My sister gave birth to two kids and I see how much she has grown and matured and I'm really proud of the person and mother she is today, it has healed our relationship a lot.

I had my share of creepy landlords though, that has yet to change. 

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One of my family members had this, and had been in five SEVERE car accidents, and survived! eekeekeek

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I have my natal Pluto in Libra in the 3rd house conjunct Saturn in Scorpio.  My 3rd house cusp is Libra so ruled by Venus.  I have the 3rd house ruler, Venus in Aries H9, opposite Pluto H3.  My Neptune in Sag in the 5th, on my SN, also trines my Venus and exactly sextiles my Pluto in the 3rd, both at 29 degrees. 

My mind is very research oriented.  I can research for many many hours until I get to the bottom of something.  I often miss sleep researching something.  I'm in graduate school getting a master's degree, and I recently did a final research paper that had three times the references that were required for the paper.  I got 100% of the points for it, and the professor who graded it, who happens to be part of the board who reviews applications to the colleges PhD program, said that a doctoral program would be a good choice for me. He said he actually learned a lot reading it. So, Pluto in the 3rd defintely has bonuses. After writing that paper I was completely mentally exhausted because of the focus it took to have it completed in less than 3 days from the time I started it. That is Pluto in the 3rd.  It can have perfectionist tendencies, especially when doing work requiring research.  Pluto in the 3rd will not leave anything uncovered.

As far as siblings, I have had some problems there.  I am the oldest of three siblings all about 1 and a half years apart.  My sister, the middle child, has been very competitive with me my whole life.  When we were children, she was the goodie-two-shoes and , let's just say I was far from it, and she would use blackmail to get me to do what she wanted me to do.  "If you don't do so-n-so I am gonna tell mom" and she would. She was a huge snitch.  She also had a way of getting my mother on her side. So she was manipulative.  She was the one who would always do her chores and make staright A's so she was seen as the perfect one. I had to share a room with her too, so I never had space from her.  She would follow me around sometimes just to monitor what I was doing so she could turn around and snitch on me.  My younger brother though, we were closer.  He was more laid back. We could talk about anything. He has Scorpio though.  He has Scorpio rising and Venus conjunct Pluto in Scorpio H12.  With Pluto in the 3rd, I have noticed I can communicate with Scorpio (doesnt have to be the sun but strong scorpio energy) much easier than with any other sign.

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