
Pluto Square Uranus...
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Pluto Square Uranus Transit

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hi, was wondering, about anyones experiences, of this


Have already experienced quite a bit of upheaval, and have it going on until this time next year I think


life certainly feels, very different, and I feel more challenged in many ways, but would be interested to hear, how, palatable it was for others and how they progressed/handled it

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I was in my mid 20s, got new job with 12 hour days, big $ for first time ever (overtime).  Relationship fell apart, reunited six months later and moved out of state when he was transferred. Ups and downs but we moved back after a few months,  married eventually.

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i guess, thats it then

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I'm having the 3rd and final pass of this transit at the moment - tr. Pluto at 24* Cap square natal Uranus 24* Libra, plus he's also trine my 24* Sun (exact inconjunct aspect between Uranus and Sun in my chart). Its been going on since early 2020 and ends around end of Nov. Natal Uranus is in my 2nd h and tr. Pluto towards the end of my 4th (that's been a whole other story but obvs connected). It has been very challenging transit thus far but also very liberating, breaking me free of some very entrenched, binding patterns to do with confidence and self worth. It's hard to distinguish the manifestations of the square aspect due to having tr. Uranus in my Sun sign and that causing a lot of upheaval. I think the Pluto tr. to Uranus fuels anxiety as pluto awakens the unconscious traumatic memories linked to your uranus placement and you kind of relive it and get confused with what is the past and the present, it's confusing because sometimes you're really back in it and other times you kind of emerge and sense you are under the sway of these forces. I think it gives you the chance to change how you respond and see that you have grown and can cope, although your thoughts might be all over the place trying to locate your reality. It's highly triggering! In my case I've been pushing through my insecurities about what I'm worth and it's played out through going freelance and experimenting with what I charge which is very much determined by how I view myself and my talents. This makes sense for Uranus in 2nd. What houses is it for you and how do you think it is playing out? 

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@sophiab man so true, it looks to be in Taurus but am no expert, guess it would be easier to copy and paste my chart from astrodienist on here

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@its-in-the-past Your chart is very similar to mine and not just because we were born 6 months apart, you are also Virgo rising (my Ascendant is 27*) so we have similar house structure and the outer planets and Saturn are all in the same signs and houses. Plus the same nodes, Sag-gem and chiron in Aries.

So yes, you have Uranus in your natal 2nd house at 25* and Pluto is squaring it by transit (he's at 24* Cap right now) in your 4th house. What is probably exacerbating it for you is that you have Mars in Aries opposing your natal Uranus so tr. Pluto is squaring this opposition and setting it off big time. You've got natal Chiron in Aries close enough to your Mars also be activated, which is a sore spot. The empty leg of this transiting tsquare is Cancer, where you have a Moon Saturn conjunction, its not in the exact degrees of the Pluto transit but you are going to feel it brought in to play, although that's where you have a lot of strength and resilience to cope. Its a lot of pressure and in cardinal signs so you might be pushed to act/take action.

I noticed also that with your Scorpio Mercury, it is also being opposed by tr. Uranus right now at 14* Taurus and Uranus  just turned retrograde end of last week, which applies a lot of pressure at that degree. Your Sun has not been opposed yet, but I am sure it's under Uranus' sway in some way. 

Yup, so you have a lot of intensity and pressure coming in from Pluto and Uranus at present, which wants to take you towards a more authentic way of being. As much as you can, let go of a need to control, and keep in mind a need to surrender and give your trust to a process that seeks to liberate you. I find Uranus pressure is very hard on the nervous system, so consciously try to get rest and do self care rituals (Virgo-Pisces style) in order to de-stress when it's feasible. If other people are involved, make sure to take space for yourself. 

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@sophiab wow, thank you for that, I only read about the Pluto square Uranus transit Initially but it has been quite a challenging time and I am something of a layman in my understanding of hardcore astrology, being a Scorpio with a moon in cancer, Ascendant in cancer, I always seem to attract people who use power in some way, I guess, which fits, Steve Gunn has helped me understand some of the madness with his audio books because my life has gotten a little crazy since feb 2020 which was the beginning of this particular transit and it seems to match this need for a more authentic self, that renews once again in the face of universal energies the planets reflect


i don’t suppose you see any more karmic soulmate/soul connections within the chart, do you as I have sensed a 5th coming

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@its-in-the-past Is your chart layout above accurate in terms of your ascendant? You mentioned that you were a Cancer ascendant but you've got Virgo rising in the chart shown.

When you say a 5th coming does that refer to a 5th soul mate entering your life or is that terminology for an awakening, etc? Based on your having Virgo rising, your Mars in Aries being in the 8th house of Scorpio, which is the house of legacy, can encourage connections with souls you have met before in other lifetimes (reincarnation). That opposition, Uranus to Mars, is being set off by Pluto, and with Uranus in Libra it can encourage sudden encounters or alternatively Uranian type partners that help you to discover your worth. So yes, it could bring about new connections.

Sorry about the quote box, it created itself and I can't delete it! 

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@sophiab my apologies, it was a typo, I was on the bus , furiously typing on a smart phone, ascendant in virgo,moon in cancer, sun in scorpio


interesting what you say, about the chart possibly reflecting, the soul connection thing, and by that I specificially mean, past, life soul connections, 


I have had 4 already, in the last 10 years and they are powerful, I wonder, how these transits will fare, in my working life going forward, as it has not, been smooth sailing as such for a while

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I'm getting hammered.  Nothing feels certain anymore.  My natal moon, at 24 Cap 9th H, squares Merc, Jupiter, Neptune.  My natal Venus, at 12 Taurus 12 H, opposes Scorpio Mars & squares natal Pluto.

I really would not know where to begin, but am focusing on what I can do each day to support my family and make each day count.  Cannot depend on a good night's sleep.  One second I am sound asleep.  The next second, I am bolt upright with my mind ticking a mile a minute...and waking up.  So, I do get tired during the day sometimes & tell myself it means nothing in terms of physiology and getting older.

Nothing I may be experiencing on a micro level compares one iota with what is happening on a national and international level, so...personally, I am splendid.  Blessed in a myriad of ways.


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@carly42 The last paragraph of your post made me feel your Capricorn moon very strongly. I would say, it's okay to acknowledge that what you are going through IS a big deal and MORE important than national or international issues right now. Don't down play your suffering and keep a stiff upper lip as we English say, let yourself FEEL and howl at the Moon - thinking of the Moon card in Tarot with the dogs barking - which is the Cancer card, your Moon's polarity sign. When a planet in one sign on an axis is getting hit by transit, keep strongly conscious of the qualities of the opposing sign because letting yourself experience more of that energy can bring relief.

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