Can anyone that's had this transit elaborate on it?
I kept thinking my insides were rotting. It's like I had a reoccurring, horrible feeling that something was rotting inside me. My 8th house is ruled by Pluto, so when transit Pluto wended its way through there, I was very worried that something was festering inside. But I got over it, and I'm still alive.
It's Pluto natural house so that's good. However, I did nothing but die / regenerate, over and over when Pluto transited my house.
I also became quite psychologically sophisticated and it's served me.
I'm going through this now but I've been going through it for over a decade, since I was a teenager, so it's lasted all of my adult life so far.
It's basically felt like a continuous challenge. Deep transformation at all levels. Lots of confronting personal demons, dealing with the "dark" side of life, obsessions and intensity. It's not easy but it's powerful, I am much stronger psychologically because of it.
I'm having it now, I don't really have anything to report.
Thanks all. My husband is just getting out of this and was curious. Kind of what Cosmic mentioned. Challenge after challenge. Now Saturn will begin transitting his 8th.