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Pluto transits to Venus

Posts: 2
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I’m wondering about timing and Pluto transits especially to Venus. I have Venus at 4 Aquarius in my 8th house so Pluto will conjunct that soon. In 2022 when Pluto went Direct in Capricorn I felt the impact even before it moved into Aquarius. Several months later in March 2023, when Pluto actually went into Aquarius, I was surprised how quickly I experienced a major event that reflected Pluto and Venus conjunct. It was almost like a Uranus transit. But I know someone else who has Venus in late Capricorn in the 2nd house who spent the entire Pluto conjunct Venus transit focused on transforming their financial life for the better. It was after the transit that their hard work paid off. They did not focus on relationships at all until after Pluto made its final pass over their Venus. So I’m wondering if Pluto transits seem to differ in terms of when people feel the impact - for some people it can begin early in the transit and, for others, it can be after the transit is over. I'd like to be less confused about this since Pluto transits are major. What have you experienced?

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Welcome! If a person is attuned to the energy, they tend to feel it sooner. But there are other variables. Using your Pluto Venus example,  are there other planets involved?  How is natal Venus aspected?

I have had people call me very near the exact aspect of an outer planet transit and ask me what's up?

Also, if a person is consumed with a transit, another one might sneak up. Bottom line, there's not a single answer.

Posts: 2
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Joined: 2 months ago

Thank you. Chiron is conjunct my 4 Aquarius Venus (8th house) natally by one degree. Mars in 7 Taurus squares Venus within 3 degrees. March 2023 when Pluto went into Aquarius it was 4 degrees from my Venus. Also Saturn changed signs that month and went into Pisces (my Sun is in mid-Pisces). In the past I've felt Saturn transits as soon as it changes signs. So its true that in March I felt the effects of both Saturn and Pluto moving into signs where they would conjunct personal planets. It was intense and events made an impact that lasted all year.

The person with Venus in Capricorn in the 2nd house seems to have used their Pluto transit to just focus on money. But I think Venus in Cap in the 2nd house is pretty cautious with relationships anyway, right? I'm just surprised the Pluto transit to Venus didn't seem to change much for them in terms of close relationships or so they say.  I compared my experience so far to them and wondered if a person can go through Pluto conjunct Venus without some intensity and transformation in close relationships? 

Venus is in my 8th but rules my natal 5th and 12 houses.

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