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Raw Male Energy Idealized With Neptune in Aries

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Astrologer, Peter Novak, thinks male energy will be idealized when Neptune transits Aries.

It's logical. What do you think?

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This seems likely. There’s been a lot of commentary on women and femininity, and also on gender, in general, but not as much focus on men or masculinity. I am seeing the beginnings of it in the collective. It’s refreshing to hear men talk about what it is to be a man.

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Libra Noir
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@buendia I agree, it’s really refreshing. I do see some dogma going around, but more than anything I see conversations and questions being discussed that are open ended and sensitive.

Libra Noir
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Interesting. I know there’s a lot of conversation about the “divine feminine” (I use quotations, not to mock, but to place it as an archetype). Maybe there will be an exploration of the divine masculine in the same way.

I definitely feel that Pluto in Capricorn broke down a lot of ideas about God being a mean old man in the sky. I do see Neptune as a type of healing. In Aries, I wonder if it will be examined through a more personal lens. Maybe not through a religious framework, but through a personal practice and a way of living. I already see a lot of men who are seeking to live their lives more consciously. 

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It seems to me, gender is to be eradicated. If this does manifest, it would be radical at this point, the heavy pendulum?

But it will never happen if people keep eating hormone food... which is very hard to avoid.

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What I have seen mostly online but somewhat in person is men seeking their way in terms of masculinity. And it's just as awkward for them as it is for the women trying to figure out their femininity. But you can't kill either entirely.

There's this book I read called "The Book of Three." It's a hero's journey. Boys relate naturally to those stories and need them. Rescuing the princess and saving the day stuff. It's rooted in responsibility, and courage over fear. Give that to boys and they'll grow up well. They need more examples and they won't find them in the media where most men are portrayed as stupid or abusive or weak, generally.

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