
Saturn Transit To M...
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Saturn Transit To Moon In Aries

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As most know,  I've known, Ben for about 35 years. He was in funk when I met him, we both were. But aside from his stroke he's only had one true, devastating crisis, in all these years.  We both know exactly when and what - it was when Saturn transited Aries to conjoin his moon.

Now this was a shocking horror of the first degree. I am truly surprised he survived it. He feels the same, I don't have to ask.  

During this period, I was the only person he talked to and I could not reach him. I am saying, he asked me NOT to call him.  He told me would call me... but he never knew when, I never knew when, so when any significant time passed, I had to contend with the fact, he may be gone.  Not gone from me, but gone, dead.

I am not being dramatic. He was candid throughout this period, telling me he did not think he would survive, but he was trying. He promised to periscope up and contact me and he did... though there were times more than three months pass - dead silence.  This is in a era when we routinely talked 3-4 hours. I can't tell you how much I missed him. And how scared I was, he was gone... or would be.

This period lasted about a year and a half, at which point it ended, dramatically.  Post the dramatic event, he snapped... out of it.

This was so bad, we mentioned it in hushed tones for about five years and then never spoke of it again. I feel flashback-y feelings, just thinking about this.

I told him, 'Next time we'll know what to expect..."

Now I know I tell people the next transit is not like the last, but I was there and this was not a situation where he had multiple transits.  It was this transit and this transit alone.

I'll also tell you what pulled him up - Jupiter return in the 8th house. After all this horror, he went to THREE sessions with a therapist within just a couple week - he was cured. 

He told me he was cured and sure enough, it was then end of this.

Anyway, I'm nervous.

Can anyone talk about Saturn transiting conjunct their moon in Aries.

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Posts: 199
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I can only speak of Saturn transiting conjunct my Moon in Pisces, but I hope this is much easier this time around for Ben ❤️ 

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