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Solar Return Sun in 10th house

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Solar Return Sun in 10th house

No matter what difficulties you may have in your life, this will be a year of progress and advancement. Your ambitions will be very strong. And you have a will to work hard and to get your ideas across to others.

During this period your professional success and the recognition of your work will increase. You could receive honor and prestige and an increased sense of satisfaction. If you work for someone else, you might get a promotion along with a raise for taking on responsibility and authority. If you are independent, you will find your customers or clientele increasing due to your positive and professional attitude toward your work. In either case, you can count on aid from others who are in a position to offer the necessary help for your advancement.

Your ambitions and important goals will thoroughly fill your mind and you will have the necessary energy to achieve them. It will be important that you are confident in your own decisions, ideas and intuition because success will only come if you trust yourself.

You will probably make certain purchases or investments that will improve the quality of your life, changing your social status or economic situation. There could be a paternal figure entering your life who will also be prominent in assisting you.

Remember that this is to be a year of advancement, even if other adverse astrological influences are present. It should be possible to resolve your problems to your satisfaction due to your dynamic, determined and active participation.

Interpretation from the Solar return report

Is the Sun in the 10th house in your solar return? How is it going?

2 Replies
Posts: 20
Active Member
Joined: 15 years ago

It's been great! I have SR Sun conj. Mars in the 10th. I have increased energy and feel that all my hard work over the last year paid off. A lot of the above happened, and I feel more capable and confident about my value. I'm going to capitalize on the skills I learned last year. Invest in me, and I will deliver!

Last time I had SR Sun in the 10th, I got my first job, learned a lot, and learned what I needed to get my current job.

Posts: 23
Eminent Member
Joined: 14 years ago

I have this but it’s been only 2 months since my birthday, I don’t know what to say. Because I’m not a professional yet, I guess this will be the year when I finally graduate... (not counting the thesis project, which takes another year). It’s very unlikely that my university will allow to finish my thesis earlier, I don’t understand why since only I would be affected by that, needing to put in more effort.

Last semester I started a part-time business but it’s now on standby precisely because I’ll be busier studying.

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