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The astrology of not being taken seriously

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I'm looking for input about people not being taken seriously. Like someone who has a lot of potential but gets overlooked, and feels like they need to overcompensate in order to be recognized. Or a woman working in a traditionally male profession, and being given the "easy" jobs and not being treated as a true peer. Is this a placement that actually makes people overlook them, or is this person just drawn to doing hard things in order to prove something, or both?

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I experienced this when I was younger. My imum coeli is in Leo. I was the youngest in a big family and had issues feeling heard and always being seen as “the baby.” It was an issue when I started in the working world; I looked really young for my age. I kind of grew out of it over the years. But I still sometimes feel like I’m not being taken seriously. But my 8th house Mars has learned how to throw down and get someone’s attention. 🙂

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@retains_water I think you may be onto something with appearance. Say a woman is thin, not muscular and young-looking, people judge her and think, no, she can't be lifting these heavy things. She can't be driving that big truck. And she will run into people who will doubt her abilities frequently, even if she can lift those heavy things and drive that big truck.

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Posted by: @kim

I'm looking for input about people not being taken seriously. Like someone who has a lot of potential but gets overlooked, and feels like they need to overcompensate in order to be recognized. Or a woman working in a traditionally male profession, and being given the "easy" jobs and not being treated as a true peer. Is this a placement that actually makes people overlook them, or is this person just drawn to doing hard things in order to prove something, or both?

I don't think there is a single answer her or even three or four different answers.  There are many reasons this can happen and it can easily be the person themselves.

"Like someone who has a lot of potential but gets overlooked, and feels like they need to overcompensate in order to be recognized."

I don't think everyone who is overlooked feels the need to overcompensate.  Just a percentage of them. Other may simply become depressed. Others will feel they are a victim, etc.

Or a woman working in a traditionally male profession, and being given the "easy" jobs and not being treated as a true peer.

This is not personal to individual, but cultural. It's also not just "males" who group together and exclude people.

Leaving the male/female out of it, some people are not treated as a "real peer" because they are not a "real peer".

Is this a placement that actually makes people overlook them, or is this person just drawn to doing hard things in order to prove something, or both?

I took a male job when I worked for Frito-Lay back in the say. 2% women at the time - plus I was confronted more than once, by men telling me I had taken a man's job and should quit.

I was not mistreated by my boss though. I was the number one salesperson in my state - doubling the sales of the number two salesperson.

I did not take the job to prove anything. Someone told me I would be good at "route sales"; I looked into it and was hired.

I was able to sell because of charisma, frankly. I got hired for the same reason. In fact, I was told that I was up for the job against a man with a degree in marketing. I had no education at all.

I told the three men interviewing me, "Well now I know you're going to choose me over them or you'd not have told me that..."

I was 24.

So skill at a job does matter.  And likability matters far more than people care to admit.

It's possible a person is overlooked because there is something off-putting about them and they refuse to consider this.

I could not get hired by an astrology website - I don't blame them.  That's why I started this one. I am often off-putting and very hard to control. These qualities would get me overlooked in most professions...

Edit to add..

Veneer is important in some situation. The "dress for success" thing is real. If you don't look the part then you'll be overlooked.  

Libra Noir
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Seems to me you are talking about trying to earn respect? That’s Saturn/Capricorn/House X in my opinion. 

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