
Transit Uranus Conj...
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Transit Uranus Conjunct Natal Venus

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Would anyone who's been through this transit mind sharing what happened in your life at the time? Uranus is heading towards my Venus and I am anticipating what I should expect... As if you can do that with Uranus...but you know...

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Wow I had to go back to early 1990 for this so I don't know how much help I will be. Besides Uranus, I also had Neptune there on my Venus (5th house. Mercury too since it's conj) as well as Pluto on Neptune (3rd).

I had finished school, moved back home for one semester between starting grad school. My boyfriend was in another part of the state. We were planning me to move down there and go to school, which I did. Poor career choice as it turned out, good relationship with him and his family. It was with him I moved to another state, broke up, got a good job that would later take me to my present state. (We're talking 10 years). But as far as Uranus on Venus, this was the  start. In 1994 I had my Saturn return. 

As I said, not sure how much help this is. There was a lot going on then and overall I don't believe Uranus hitting my Venus was much. It also trined my natal Uranus so maybe that helped too.

Posts: 43
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I have this natally.  Uranus is just some decimals removed from my natal Venus, so I was about 6 days old when the conjunction was exact. I don't think much anything happened. But, as someone who has lived her life with Venus/Uranus, I can list things associated with the transit too that have happened to me:

- Attracting some unusual types. People much older and now much younger than me. Foreigners. Artists. Nerds (I'm a nerd magnet).

- My relationships end arruptedly. When I was younger, I had guys disappear on me (I have to say, I was too proud to stalk them), and I did some disappearing acts too. I've only had three longer relationships in my life.

- My first serious relationship was to a foreigner and was long distance for 4 years, before I moved to his country permanently. We lived together for 2 years. I knew something wasn't quite right about 6 weeks before we broke up. But still, it was a surprise. It only took my Ex one day to move out. We only met twice after that.

- After this relationship ended, I online dated. This was 2004, so it was relatively new. I got obsessed with a guy who didn't treat anybody with any respect, mostly because of his genius level intelligence. I snapped out of it after 8 months, just like that, never had need to see him again, haven't missed him for a day.

- I met my Husband online, too. We've been together for 10 years.

- I had a very weird period in my life Autumn 2010, when Venus went retrograde early Scorpio, and lingered around my Venus/Uranus for 3 months. This coincided with Pluto sextiling the conjunction. I had dreams that showed me what happened in my latest life before this one, and I had some people involved in my life. My Husband isn't one of them, we come without karmic package. But we were getting married, and obviously I had to get some closure on what happened in a past life.

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