
Violence in a Natal...
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Violence in a Natal Chart

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strawb. said
with mars/saturn for me, for the longest time i was actually incapable of expressing anger. i could feel it but it was super blocked and instead i acted passive-aggressive. this is why i wonder if mars/saturn can indicate this type of thing, passive-agressiveness...

its actually on this blog that i learned about passive-agressiveness and how bad it is and recognized it within my self, wanting to change. i have a lot of libra and mars rules my descendant so it was more projected energy on my end.

my dad has lots of anger problems growing up he terrified me, he could get violent. he's the cancer mars square aries moon. pluto conjunct saturn (his chart ruler)in the 8th house in leo. we were to remain 'pleasant' at all times to not provoke him. not allowed to express even dissatisfaction. it simmers and simmers... until it turned to depression and self-destructiveness.  pluto in the 1st house can be self-destructive too. 

i like how you mention writting tonya. this is the least destructive release i have found to rid of negativity. some people mention physical exercise too, im sure that helps.


Yes,that's how Mars-Saturn hard aspects work,it could be very passive,BUT sooner or later it will blow and that's when all hell breaks loose,it's repressed anger,it could be years before one blows their top but when they do look out.


Yes Pluto in the first House can be self destructive,but it also adds to one's temper and intensity.


Moon= Emotions/How we get angry

Mercury= How we think when angry

Mars= What we do when angry

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haha I have mars opposite pluto and I will fucking obliterate anything or anyone if I really want to.

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strawb. said
I was reading something unrelated yesterday but it mentionned a Taurus Mars getting physically violent when angry because its an earth sign... and it said earth does something physical (ex: violence) when angry. hmm could make sense.

I thought back to a musician I love, Jack White, has Mars in Taurus and he beat the crap out of some other musician one time and we saw his pictures with blue eyes, battered and bruised. He has Mars inconjunct Pluto.

Chris Brown has Mars in Cancer opposite Uranus, Neptune, Saturn. He is a Taurus.

An old coworker of mine was in an abusive relationship with a Taurus. He would lay hands on her and she'd have bruises on her body and wear long sleeves to hide them. I forgot his birth date but just remember his sun sign.

I talk about the Moon because anger is an emotion, after all, even though Mars is how we express it. The fire Moons I know are much more volatile than the Air moons, generally. My ex boyfriend is very airy (double Aqua) with Mars conjunct Saturn and Uranus in Sagittarius and  in all our years today I never saw him lose his temper. I, the earth Mars square Saturn and Uranus could be losing it  and he'd be able to remain very calm and detached.

I agree Mars/Uranus is volatile though. Anger is lightning quick and you lose all common sense. Mars/Saturn and Mars/Pluto is more... sadistic maybe?


Yup far as Taurus I think the Taurus moon could be violent as well,earth signs WANT to get physical so someone with Taurus Mars or Moon probably could really blow their top when upset and want to get physical

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strawb. said

elisa said

i can agree with earth being physical but so is fire. You wouldn't think Air mars would be violent but ooohh it is, especially with lots of fire in the chart. It is "supporting" the air. Air fuels fire. And fire is very physical too.

when i was reading the George Zimmerman astrology and his several squares, there was also an article on the Scott Peterson, has Lots of Libra squaring his Capicorn Jupiter (another mars and Jupiter expansion) I looked up his chart on astrotheme:

he killed his wife and unborn child, and this shocked (at the cruelty) and inspired the United States Congress passing the unborn victims violence act. but i wonder if it's just sickness, because i'm sure lots of people have these squares and can handle their energy and would never hurt a fly. ETA: oh he also has square virgo and sag, and opposite gemini in the chart.

hmm thats a good point elisa. the mix of fire and air will ''fuel the flames''

i wonder if air will be more 'premeditated' though... not as much spur of the moment, like scott peterson was premeditated.

and looking at his chart it has the mars/uranus signature too, conjunction in libra with pluto not too far behind.


Mars square Uranus is volatile as hell,and very unpredictable,no telling what someone would do with that aspect if they really get angry

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strawb. said

elisa said

i can agree with earth being physical but so is fire. You wouldn't think Air mars would be violent but ooohh it is, especially with lots of fire in the chart. It is "supporting" the air. Air fuels fire. And fire is very physical too.

when i was reading the George Zimmerman astrology and his several squares, there was also an article on the Scott Peterson, has Lots of Libra squaring his Capicorn Jupiter (another mars and Jupiter expansion) I looked up his chart on astrotheme:

he killed his wife and unborn child, and this shocked (at the cruelty) and inspired the United States Congress passing the unborn victims violence act. but i wonder if it's just sickness, because i'm sure lots of people have these squares and can handle their energy and would never hurt a fly. ETA: oh he also has square virgo and sag, and opposite gemini in the chart.

hmm thats a good point elisa. the mix of fire and air will ''fuel the flames''

i wonder if air will be more 'premeditated' though... not as much spur of the moment, like scott peterson was premeditated.

and looking at his chart it has the mars/uranus signature too, conjunction in libra with pluto not too far behind.

from my personal experience with aquarius mars to his Jupiter Aries, was Always "triggered" and "instant", not premeditated at all. It was spontaneous action, still cruel but spontaneous. For sure, a person could tiptoe around that, and try to avoid that, but if a person doesn't Always think either, and is spontaneous with their own action then it's horrible. Plus, even then, that's no way to live, having to walk on egg shells.

I see what you mean about premeditated with Scott Peterson; he probably thought about it for a long time. That's really awful. It also reminds me of that story of the poor girl in Austria, who was locked in the cellar/basement dungeon by her father. He "planned" this building of the cellar for her too, for years, before she could be of age i read so she wouldn't be "free" to walk away. That's so premediated and cold.

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Mar sq Pluto.... I could, but I never will.... I got control of that thingy unless you touch one of my babies....then its on like.....

Took me a very long time to rope that crap in. I have no intention of ever letting it loose again! I know the price.... its high.

You'd have to push and push and push....and really hurt one of my people. Otherwise thanks. I breathe, and I walk. I am not even going to yell. I work it off....

Like for son has a broken back. I pray for them as they do the right thing to help him.... pray for them with me 😉

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