Getting in touch with so many people. Family, people rom high school. All via internet of course. Its in my 3rd house.
I feel defeated under this energy. I'm sure every Cardinal-heavy person out there is feeling like I am--frustrated that their efforts to take control of situations or get people to move toward a desired outcome are failing. People are just NOT going to be pushed right now, so STOP IT! Back off!
Soon the planets will move to Pisces, so i will try to hold onto that hope. Lately I've been fighting the urge to walk away from one person after another. I'm tired of butting heads with people. Sick of it all.
I'm ready for all these planets to shove off into Pisces. The sun already did, and that helps--a little. Most of my interactions with people these days leave me cold. I'm over it.
I can feel it breaking up at this point. Mercury direct will help!
The moon will be in Gemini, shortly. More help on the way!
Oh man, I wish I could keep this stellium going. I got really into different technologies for growing. Hydro and Aquaponics and using coding to set the timers up ... I need that Aquarius stroke of genius to keep going! I’m also personally experiencing Uranus in Taurus right on my midheaven now, so I think that may be why this is all manifesting in agriculture type stuff. Anyway, it has been awesome while it’s lasted. The Pisces sun and cancer moon (today) watery feefees feels like someone threw a bucket of water at my face.