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What are you looking for with Uranus in Gemini?

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First, here's my post from 2022:

Two years later, I feel similarly. I think this will essentially be the end of "paper" communications.  For example, banks no longer have "deposit slips"?  The few people who send paper greeting cards and letters are getting to old to do so.

Outside of that, I have high hopes for this transit, just that it be interesting!  I can think of darker manifestations that might come about. Basically, digital gulag type stuff.  Everything digitized and searchable (but no necessarily by the individual).

It's possible all media content because electronic / AI.  This is likely, actually.  Also, service workers (like fast food, etc.) replaced by machines.

What do you think?

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Revolution to children's education.  Enough of the ADHD overdiagnosis; children aren't meant to sit for hours within 4 walls.  We need rewilding.  Check out Vanessa Andreotti Hospicing Modernity and Zak Stein Education Between Worlds for hints of what's to come. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 

Bar in the Sky
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I find this electrifying. A pulse of life is created. There’s trines, there's opposition, there’s squares; course changes and higher awareness. If I can define it, there’s a beautiful trine to my Saturn and Venus waiting at the end.

I’m playing the long game. 


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Uranus in Taurus is about the heart. When it moves to Gemini, it's the mind. Our thoughts will be changed, perhaps in the way our thoughts function, their way of grouping or connecting in the mind. With the possibility of thoughts/thinking being expanded or released from constraints or limits. New thought patterns forming = a new system = new beliefs. I hope, mental liberation for all.

My mother has Uranus in Gemini (b.1945) and she will suddenly utter things that she can't really know, like a sudden download which feels almost out of context of the present communication or current thinking systems or patterns. It seems very Uranian, that there is no attachment to surrounding matter or condensations of patterns or habitual or systemic momentarily cuts through seemingly from nowhere, but cannot be contextualised or explained, a laser beam of awareness.

Collectively, we could find a way to understand and harness this higher awareness better - what we are capable of receiving, sensing, knowing. Perhaps in these moments the mind is freer of the influence of the body (emotions, states of being, memory, experience)?

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@sophiab I like your hit on this. It makes me think of zoomer language,  and ideas bursting in air.

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@elsa Zoomers have a number of outer planets in Aquarius I believe - Neptune, Uranus maybe Saturn?

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To add, I think this new energy is already active, at least when Uranus direct was pushing 27* Taurus. There was a different vibe coming in than pure Uranus in a Taurus myself, I was like ooh, because it's been 6 years in my sign and it's quite an epic transit to experience which kind of takes over everything to the point you forget what its like not to be under the influence of Uranus Smile

Hades Moon
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Relief 🙏🏻.

Currently Uranus in Taurus @ 27 degrees is conjunct my IC, opposite my MC.

My family has been turned upside down. 

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@hades-moon I'm sorry. My son had Uranus hit his IC.  Yikes! We made it through, though.

Hades Moon
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@elsa What has happened could not have been predicted (true Uranus style). It will be okay with time but initially it is shocking Uranus new symbol .

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