The times we're currently living in couldn't be more examplary of Saturn's transition from 29° to 0°.
Osiris Wife said
The times we're currently living in couldn't be more examplary of Saturn's transition from 29° to 0°.
Yes, right in our faces!
Well, for me:
* Saturn is changing signs (Cap into Aquarius) - same as everyone
* Saturn is changing houses (12th into 1st)
* Saturn is crossing my Ascendant (at 1.57 degrees)
* My Chiron (wound - wounded healer) is in my Aquarius 1st house
Just when I thought things were settling down, the sh-t is hitting the fan on a number of fronts all at once.
The common element? Childhood issues are rearing their ugly head. It's like I'm a teenager all over again. I actually tore my manager's head off Friday. It was a word-for-word replay of a scene that had played out repeatedly between my parents and me. ~sigh~ Then I lost it again with a cousin yesterday. ~sigh~
I am not liking this at all. Haven't had a chance to process it all yet. But it will need to be processed. I can't stand it (or myself) when this happens. And I can't believe I'm past my second Saturn Return and still have not succeeded in slaying this beast.
I did pick up new spiritual (mostly Buddhist) tools and practices during Saturn's journey through my 12th house. I need to keep going back to them (when I 'lose my grip' like recently).
Saturn just went into my 10th! I haven't felt anything so far. But things are kinda off altogether right now.
Saturn in my first house now. Big improvement. I've got some control.
Saturn in my first house now. Big improvement. I've got some control.