
Will Men Be Idealiz...
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Will Men Be Idealized With Neptune In Aries?

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Might men be idealized with Neptune in Aries? Prowess, gallantry and such? Willingness and ability to fight?

What do you think?

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Yes!  Hallelujah! 


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That definitely would fall in the category of things that Neptune in Aries may very well have a propensity to display. I hadn't thought of it myself, but it fits. I would like it if it did go that way. I think it's time for the reaction phase to what has been a brutal period of time for men. I have been very fond of men all my life and never believed for one minute that they are the source of all evil. That is such a scam/psyop.


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I already see the harbingers of that trend. The cult of strong masculine body and character.

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Mars and Aries are being accelerated in February of 2024.

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@don Hello Don, Are you referring in part to the sextile between the planets in Aquarius and the meeting of the NN and Chiron in Aries?

I very recently experienced the conjunction between transiting Aries NN and my natal Chiron in Aries at 22* and I had reflected at the time that there seemed to be an acceleration of healing occuring, that Chiron was operating in a peak way. In my experience, it seemed to be connected to transforming and mastering rage - from being buried/trapped unconsciously in the body, thus manifesting destructively as pain and self-criticism/attack (which at its worse can lead to projection), to a steady release into conscious awareness so that it could be better utilised by the life force, confidence (heart), and positive action. The transitional moments were quite scary/stressful, which may be due to Pluto still resident in Capricorn, but ultimately appears to reduce the potency of old victim/abuser type dynamics, which has an overall effect on my perception of reality.

There could be possible overlapping themes with the meeting of the transitting Aries NN and transiting Chiron, although minus the particular natal aspects related to my Chiron.

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Yes, The Nodal rulers both conjunct Pluto in Aquarius and under the influence of Uranus in Taurus  - both influences focus upon healing opportunities of the Aries Chiron North Node conjunction .

Healing and eliminating rage surrounding the experience about being embodied . Rage becomes creative power.

This is the meeting of light and the serpent we have talked about previously.





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Posted by: @don

eliminating rage surrounding the experience about being embodied

This fits with arising thoughts and experiences I have been having regarding birth trauma, both the actual experience of being born and the soul's experience of finding itself in a body.

Thank you for elaborating and sharing those photos again which are always very inspiring!

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A spiritualisation of masculine energy could be another outcome of Neptune in Aries.

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