Uber killed the cab business. It's said that AI will do the same to the economy.
Do you agree? Why or why not?
My son is a software engineer and he does not see AI as a huge threat to his job. I don't know if he's naive. I don't know why he would be. Sun Saturn, he's definitely a realist.
He specifically says it's a huge security risk. He works for a large company. He said they'd never take a chance on someone stealing their internal info.
What I've heard is that it's more like automation driven change. Yes we will still need programmers, but less of them as the they will be able to use AI to do the repetitive tasks. I see the customer service, back end office workers, accountancy offices, paralegals etc. taking the biggest hits.
The development of AI and its ability for ubiquitous access to the means to create fake everything is going to push people into smaller and smaller insular communities because you can't trust the output outside of your circle.
I heard something about the writer’s strike, one part is how extras are being made to sign paperwork saying their image can be used in perpetuity. Joe Rogan was talking about it. Imagine never having real (living in the moment) people in backgrounds or in situations where you might need a crowd of people: it’s just images, AI, all over. How fucked up is that? I mean, more than it already is.