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I live in Harpers Ferry, WV, which is about 40 miles from Baltimore. The drug addicts here drive to Baltimore every day for their fetty/tranq. Last week (Wed., Thurs. and Fri.), the National Weather Service had a Code Red Wildfire Threat alert for Baltimore, parts of Western MD and VA and the Eastern Panhandle of WV, where I live. Everybody in town was talking about it as we've had a lot of consistent rain since the beginning of the year.

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@sage6911 thanks. I'm really hoping a local person will show up. We've been lucky before.

The aurora co joker shooting? That was my theatre. In fact, I got called for jury duty when they were picking that jury. We also had a gal who lived in Newtown when Sandy Hook. 

Something like this, I want to ask.

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@sage6911 I was expressing my concern to my husband about the port being closed for a long time and the loss of revenue and he quickly retorted "Don't worry honey.  That port will be opened quickly just so the drugs can be delivered"  -- He may be right. 

Also, I was mystified by that Code Red Wildfire alert too.  I've got a five gallon bucket sitting on my back steps that is overflowing with all the rain we've had since March 1st.  It's been one of the wettest winters we have had in a while. 

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@carolp lol. Your husband is correct. They've got to keep the fetty/tranq money train going - at least for the moment. The poor addicts start getting desperately ill 2 hours after the last hit. I wonder at what would happen with these folks if the drug supply were to be cut off. I'm sure it won't be pretty.  

Yeah, that Wildfire alert has many people scratching their heads here. I think it's significant. And - YES! - I do think this was some kind of sabotage and that we may already be at war but our gov. just forgot to mention it to us. 

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I need more evidence to convince me it wasn't an accident.  However it did alarm me that the FBI immediately announced it was an accident.  I was also puzzled by Biden's immediate response that the Federal government would pay to replace the bridge.  Of course that remains to be seen.  Most of the conspiracy theorist I've seen on this topic are ranting stupidly about the sharp turns the ship made and "it turned right into the bridge".  That just tells me they have no concept of a ship that size and that it can't turn or stop on a dime.  A ship that size, fully loaded, is drawing 35 to 40 feet of water. The Baltimore harbor channel is 50 feet at most, so a ship HAS to navigate in the channel, which would explain the sharp turns. Most people see that huge expanse of water and think it can go any where in that space.  It can't. Common sense and critical thinking have totally evaporated in the last few years.

Is it possible it was on purpose?  Yes, its possible and I believe it is going to cripple the city and possibly the state depending on how long the port is closed. That is a huge source of revenue for the State of Maryland and the city of Baltimore and I think the entire state is going to feel it.  Baltimore has enough problems and that many people out of work for three to six months is not good.  Carjackings are at a all time high.   I only go into the city maybe for a once yearly football game and/or my husband goes to Johns Hopkins Neurology department periodically. Otherwise I avoid it totally.  Going into the city by the Inner harbor, the stadiums, and Lexington Market is just as unsafe as the rest of the city.  I was horrified by the sheer amount of drug addicts and panhandlers on every corner and at every light on the way to Hopkins the last time we were there. It wasn't like that five years ago but the police force has dropped by at least a third since then.  Its going to be interesting to see what happens. 

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@carolp I read this bridge is directly connected to 12% of revenue for Baltimore? 

What I've gathered is it really hinders transport of hazardous materials (like fuel).  I've read mentions of D.C. being cut off.

Estimates to rebuild: I've seen as low as two (based on a recent bridge construction) and as much as five.

Really, it's hard to know what's happening. I have a friend with a place in Maui. What she said was happening there as opposed to what was reported, was significantly different.

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@elsa apparently quite a bit of hazardous material was transported on Interstate 95 to 695 around the east side of Baltimore and across the Key Bridge-- things that cannot be transported through a tunnel.   Which means it will have to go around the west side of Baltimore because every other route would have a tunnel including down the Delmarva peninsula.   Maryland charges a hazardous materials fee to transport through the state which could add up to 12% but I'd take DC being cut off with a grain of salt. I had no idea that much hazardous material was being transported on 95. 

Also, just as I was getting ready to send this, my husband came up with more info.   He watched a video on youtube that called it a black swan event and had information about the Captain of the Dali.  You may want to watch the video -- he starts talking about it at around 2:00.  <a href=" removed link " target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-saferedirecturl=" removed link si%3DvXmvqhOMkoU_gKgj&source=gmail&ust=1711739942618000&usg=AOvVaw1Xzv4Q8L-GywHhkM8XzaVJ"> removed link si=vXmvqhOMkoU_gKgj

Based on that information, I went to Balticshipping website and that information had been removed.  Doesn't prove a thing but it is curious.

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They are reporting this now: "The Dali ship’s black box has 2 minutes of missing data right before it crashed into the Francis Scott Key bridge."

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@carolp I am not sure what you are trying to link or how but it won't post anything by a plain url.  This is for safety reasons.

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@elsa lol!  Oops!  I fixed it.

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So this is totally out of the news? Does anyone know anything. Effects? Consequences? Anything?

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They are still finding bodies.  Ugh.

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