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Cool Old House

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This is the house mentioned on the Random thread. The house once sat on our property but the previous owner, who settled the land, wanted it gone.  His brother, next door, wanted to preserve it, so they moved it on rails.  

A family with six kids used to live in this house.   We just recently met one of the kids who lived here.  She's in her 90's.

Here the brothers, after managing to move the home:


The new owner of the house, settled it. Now it looks like this:


The round thing is a working well.

House 2

Another view

House 4

More coming,

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This is the front.  Original windows.

I left this next picture, larger so you can see the detail


Look at the beams supporting the roof.

interior corner

I'm standing in the center, snapping pics in a circle.

interior stove



This is the exterior wall on one side of the door to the back porch, which is the side that faces our house.

interior windows

He planted the large tree, to make it homey.


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Absolutely wonderful!  Did they reuse the original stones to rebuild those beautiful chimneys?  Will the spaces be filled in to keep cold out?  Hard to imagine all those children in this tiny house!

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@warped now, the neighbor did that on his own, beginning with what you see in the first pic. Labor of love.

You can see, the house is in the exact position.

See, this was a piece of land, all wooded. The father gave each child, five acres. The brothers cleared the land and built their homes, as well as preserved that house.

They have a sister who lives near and is also great.  Not sure what she did with hers.  She had an exceptional husband.  Very good marriage and great kids. Her husband passed a few years ago. So sad, he was really loved.  Another funeral we attended.  

She was also the main caregiver for their mother with dementia.  She eventually became afraid of men, including her sons. Another funeral!

You may remember my garden buddy went to visit her grave. Someone had peeled out and disturbed her grave. He freaked, drove home to get tools and went back to fix it. I was there, when he grabbed the tools. He couldn't get back there fast enough.

I loved this guy. He was a Henry character, all the way. I think of him, daily. We all do.


Hades Moon
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Beautifully quaint. It has so much character, and yes, look at those beams! It’s amazing that the windows have stood the test of time.

As I’m viewing the photos I’m in awe of the fact that a large family once resided here. I’m also thinking of all the events that have taken place.

This house is so sweet. I hope it is preserved and lives on.

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I love this house. 

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@soup it's got very good energy. People are attracted to it. I've never had anyone visit, who didn't want to go stand in it.


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Posts: 1119

@elsa can feel it through the picture. That's a really good house!

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So cool! I love everything about it. The roof line and the shade it must provide for the interior, and the cute porches with chairs. The raw edge wood siding. The addition of a stone chimney and fireplace, with such a beautiful raised hearth. All the cool old thing that remain inside the house - tools and trinkets and furniture. The story of moving the house from one parcel to another. The story of meeting someone who lived in it with a big family. What a special structure. I'm so glad to know that it's being preserved.

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This is awesome. I love the hand crafted furniture too. Is that a trap door in front of the fireplace with a crawlspace?

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