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Divine Mercy

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Ben was talking to me about an angel visiting him; he went into this, extensively. It's not normal for him. I have no idea where this came from. He said, angel and also archangel, many times.

In whatever case, we no longer go to mass, for reasons I can expound on. I miss mass a lot.

I decided today, to start praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet, daily.  I used to do this, but it's been a good while.

This prayer is for the sake of the whole world, by default.  But you can also mention what or whoever.  At this time, aside from the whole world, i am specifically praying for my husband, his mother, Ben and Cathy. Cathy is my nurse friend who has dementia.

If you would like me to specifically pray for you, I will. Just let me know.

This is the prayer and also the version I like, because hey! Music.

I am done for today.  This prayer is to be said @ 2 pm, or thereabouts.  When people observe this, it sees the prayer sent, 'round the clock.


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Oh no! Oh man!

I posted this and then called, Jilly, to say I was taking up this practice again.  She told me, "Well, it's today."

"What? What? This is Divine Mercy Sunday? Today?"


Another insane coincidence.   One Sunday a year is designated, Divine Mercy Sunday and it's today.

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@elsa sounds like you were given divine timing!

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Oops. Also, Debbie.

Just heard from my neighbor, his mother is in the hospital for the 5th time in four months. The is the wife of my garden buddy who died.  They keep sending her home, so this time the went to a different hospital and she got diagnosed..

Cirrhosis of the liver, from diabetes.  She's got an infection and a swelled belly. They are going to try to reduce the water - it's causing PAIN and get rid of the infection then see what's up with her liver.

I also heard, she fell getting out of her sister's car. This was at her sister's house and she lives on the highway.  Her sister had to wave someone down, to help her pick her up.  Some guy pulling a boat, stopped to help, thank God.

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I miss going to Mass too, Elsa.  Both my husband and I were raised Catholic and identify as such, but I don't just have much trust in institutions anymore.  My faith still guides and sustains me, though.  

Thank you for sharing this with us. Just hearing the music makes my heart happy.  🙂

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@willow welcome!

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@elsa Thanks, Elsa!  I was actually registered through your old blog and you did a reading for me back in January, but my info must've gotten wiped out in the transition to the new website. 


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@willow Oh, that's weird. Sorry about that!

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@elsa No worries, chalk it up to Mercury retrograde 🙂

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