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Vent Here!

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I just realized I have an angular Lunar Return moon coming up... the 4th in a row. I feel enraged!

Yes, I know it's not rational but, ARIES!!!

Your turn.

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Sue Ellen
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My lunar return for years has shown a Pluto opposition. Other than trying to kill me it’s been a slow grind of aging. 
I’ll say this, “Aging is crap.”

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I just got off a call with a client, who is being persecuted at her job.  I have not heard a story this hideous in a long time.

She has Mars Saturn in Pisces, opposing Uranus and Pluto in Virgo and Venus @ 29 Capricorn. I would like to go smash the place with a sledgehammer.  It's a hospital, btw.

Sue Ellen
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My sister's employer did not extend her FMLA (family medical leave act). She submitted the paperwork as her employer requested.  As long as she is on FMLA, the employer pays part of her medical insurance.

When she attempted to make an appointment with a physical therapist for lymph-edema, she was told she had no insurance. Her employer never told her she was cut off from her health insurance and her life insurance.

A call to her employer told her there hadn't been enough time to process her request, and sent her paperwork to apply for COBRA  insurance.  With COBRA, the employee pays both employee and employer portions of the health insurance premiums. There is an advantage is having the employer's group rates.

Sister found a way to apply on-line and now has COBRA coverage insurance.

I don't know what happened. Why didn't she know? She's too sick from the stage 3 cancer, the chemo, and now radiation treatment. She's too tired to keep up with her affairs.  Her son helps, but his daughter is useless.  He's taking her to her appointments today.

Just gripping.

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@sue-ellen I'm so sorry. A sick person needs a person like you.  It's disgusting what they're doing to people.  I hear about it, daily, and get madder and madder, because there is just no way to accept it.


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@sue-ellen Sue Ellen first, thank God she has you. When I read these kinds of things my blood boils. The way companies handle things. I just got out of the hospital. I left my home in an ambulance. I was in no way near as sick as your sister as it turns out and I can tell you that without my husband handing over all the necessary information, I would be unraveling a twisted nightmare. 

These kinds of things are so unfair, and they are the parts of this world that make me furious, make me talk ugly to the powers that be, make me want to turn the whole cart upside down to force change... if that were even possible. I want to stand on top a car with a megaphone and scream it .... 

I guess it would be too much to ask to have any person in place in the HR dept of any company that would follow up with some of this stuff, like an employee advocate. NO... they aren't going to do that, then they have to pay a portion TO A DEVOTED EMPLOYEE that gives their live to make that company profitable. Unacceptable. She is so sick.....

As if I wasn't aggravated enough with certain circumstances. This just pisses me off to read of her being mistreated this way. She earned having her company pay a portion and she is entitled to FMLA. I had a similar situation when my stepdad had cancer. The company couldn't do shit to me for needing to leave and take him to chemo... but they found another reason to fire me later when they could. 


Imagine the karma on the head of the prick that caused that. Caused me to lose my job with a small kid at home as a single mom taking her family to Chemo treatment. I don't feel an ounce of sadness for what he went through two years later. Everybody has to pay the bill at some point! Turns out he paid a much bigger price for being a douche bag. Oh well... people need to learn! 

So sorry your sister is going through all that. So glad she has you. 

Sue Ellen
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Thanks for your responses. I’m not a saint by any measure.  Cousins and brothers are helping, too.

Sister called last night and talked for an hour.  Virgo. 
She had two pieces of good news. She sounded better than she had in a long time. 

First, her FMLA extension was approved.  This is days after applying and receiving COBRA on line. She has to straighten out her coverage and not pay for both FMLA and COBRA coverage. She found out the local office HR person promoted out that position and hasn’t been replaced. Sister is working with an area HR now. 

Second, she had the evaluation appointment with the physical therapist. She has great hope now. Her feet won’t be evaluated until her foot heals enough for the boot to be removed. The PT says the broken metatarsal heals slowly. The PT is on a cancer board which meets weekly to discuss cases. Sister’s oncologist and radiologist are on this board. The PT knew my sister’s case. 

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@sue-ellen oh my.... a broken foot too. When it rains! Prayers for her and your whole family Sue Ellen.

Sue Ellen
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@soup thanks. 
Sister fell leaving the house for a medical appointment. Her grip slipped on her cane while going down two steps. Luckily she fell mostly in the mulch. She was in a hurry and didn’t wait for her son to help her.

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Praying for your poor sister!  No one should have to endure so much, and then be additionally abused by bureaucracy.


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At my Wednesday night online prayer group, the pastor has added "Sue Ellen's sister" to the weekly prayer list, and included her in his special closing prayer this evening. 

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@warped Thank you so very much.

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Oh dear!  That's harsh. I'm glad you/sister have support through this. 

I broke my leg last september,lost my job and insurance after FMLA.

 My homeopath just fell and broke her arm. 

Let's get through this. It's temporary. Full recovery. 

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Sue Ellen
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@nona Thank you. 
Sorry for your troubles. 

I keep reminding sister this illness is temporary. She had things to do and places to see. 

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@sue-ellen I love that. I care for a lady (mother of 10) who survived a breast cancer. the surgeon told her "I can not save you." And she told the surgeon "See this 2 year calendar?, it's full, and dying is not on my calendar, so get it together."

She requires nursing still, she lost much through the event, but not her life.

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@nona love her remark.

Sue Ellen
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@nona That lady has a great attitude.

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This is kind of on the jobs are unfair line, but I have a few Karma is a bitch updates on my old jobs. Fits in with how the eclipse and this Scorpio full moon affected sensitive parts of my chart.

I have a new one completely out of the vet tech realm starting this coming Monday! Dog grooming, boarding and training.

Husband called me on Monday telling me the nonprofit spay neuter clinic I worked at last year closed down (for the second time in 18 months!) not long after they let me go. This was all over local radio, which was how he found out.

The others can't keep people. How did I find out? Indeed.

The job I applied for when I was headed down to TN turned over three times.

Another place, the one that let me go after just 10 days? The entire staff turned over twice.

Treat people better! Pay them what they're worth! Guess that's too hard.

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Sue Ellen
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@lislioness Congrats on the new job.  Hope this one is better. 
Maybe ironically, this is veterinary receptionist week. That’s not an easy job either.

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@sue-ellen I was a vet receptionist at my last vet hospital job. That was the one with the ex Marine screamer and where they ditched me a week after disclosing I have ADHD.

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