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I see people like this and feel bad for them. But don't they realize how many people have been deliberately put out of business through no fault of their own? There are legions of them. 

People just look the other way until it happens to them.  We're all getting screwed.  If they're just getting to you, today, do you know how lucky you are?

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@soup Bank failure in brief, so far.

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@elsa Yeah... I pulled that up as I was reading here and started talking husband about all those failures and how many times, he lost his job. We took a trip down memory lane. We had some lean years. 

We laughed. One time I paid all the bills. Son had his weekly lunch and spending money. Gas in both vehicles. We had to start that Monday morning with $12.04. That is all we had between the two of us until we were paid again. 

When we run into problems one of us always says... we made it through $12.04 and we will make it again. The hardest times made us the closest. We locked arms and just went headfirst trying to correct whatever was happening. Usually, it was some damn bank failing again. 

I look back over my shoulder and I don't see the celebrations as profoundly as I see the problem solving we have done together. When we really had to be a team and focus on each other and the hill in front of us. These are my favorite memories. When we had nothing. 

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@soup I think it's great. I love a love story!

I also note, recently, how different we are. You're 4th house. Family.

I'm 8th house. The collective.

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@elsa I didn't notice that till recently myself. At times I will find it hard to understand a thread or a blog. So, I take a moment to try to get where you or anyone is coming from. I don't like to or want to comment as to offend someone because I may not understand them, and you see so much of it on the internet. People just assume that whoever is writing is just like them when that couldn't be farther from the truth. So, I wait now. No more emotional blurting. 

Like I waited on the psychopath thread. I didn't understand. I really didn't. and then it clicked. Ah... now I get her. Okay... I not only get it now, but I agree. 

It would be nice if people would do that instead of sending you nasty email with judgement attached and some scathing remarks when they are the ones that don't get it. 

The things you write about are DEEP. A surface type person will not always understand. I am as deep as a well and I hold back sometimes. Your communication style isn't the reason. The reason I came here is your communication style. It's the difference in where our energy is. So, I wait and ... then it always clicks. 

I am working right now on understanding air signs. They make me the most frustrated. But what I have come to understand over the last 6 months is that they have no way to communicate any other way. It's's sometimes mathematical if that makes sense. It's logic over feelings first. They have feelings. They just don't have them dangling off their sleeve. I feel. Then I think. There is a place for both. And I believe they can complement each other. But if you don't understand the energy you are going to write them off... or they will, you. (Talking about a person with a chart full of water) 

My kids are air suns. One is all air. When he was a baby, he was the sweetest most loving talkative child. Then teenage years. His mouth was on fire and my heart was broken. I thought, who is this alien. The rapid-fire words - and in honesty they were smart words, he was brilliant. But where are his feelings? Did I raise a robot? Does this kid have any empathy? He saw examples of it growing up.

Turns out he does have empathy. Every time he rescues another dog I laugh and wonder where his logical mind went. 3 dogs, 3 cats ....

30 years ago, I swore to God I would never have another conversation with an Aquarius about anything other than the weather. It would be... Hi. Nice day. In my head... go fuck yourself. You are dead inside. This is my hardest sign to understand. Back then in my opinion they had NO EMPATHY OR FEELINGS. Robotic and so sanitary. So weird. Detachment without a thought. Backstabbing without thought. My lifelong arch nemesis is an Aquarius. I don't like to hate people. It hurts me deeply. But if I could ever seethe and hate someone, it was this Aquarius woman. To me, she was the nastiest most thoughtless hateful C word I have ever encountered. And I wanted to do something about it. I mean... take her on. And I did. The outcome? She did leave me alone, finally.

Now I have a completely different opinion. First and foremost, they are smart as F and there is so much to learn from them. I don't need to learn anything about feelings, I could teach a masterclass on the subject. We need to learn from people that are different than we are. Not from the people who are exactly like us. This is how we grow. 

Fast forward. I marry a man with an Aqua rising. There are times I am scratching my watch and winding my ass when he is talking. But he is so smart. At first, I would say... omg shut up. What the hell are you even talking about... as I am sobbing about some person, I don't know- whose home just burned down. He is levelheaded and because I am crying heading a campaign to fund raise so these people will be okay, and I will stop crying LOL 

The thinkers, the cool-headed people who have logic and quick wit are so necessary. What on earth would we do without Gemini, Libra and Aquarius? They think fast. They problem solve. They use logic when I am on the floor in a puddle. 

I have been in hermit mode for some time now. I have decided not to engage anymore until I can understand people a little better. I want to be good, and fair and kind without losing it because I don't understand a person. Breathe, take a minute. Let what they are saying sink in. And assume they have all the shit on their plate that I do. Otherwise, I am not fit to be a friend to anyone. I really believe that right now. I can see my error. 

Read. Listen. Take a minute. Don't speak until you have an understanding of where they are coming from. And don't assume anything, until you have the facts. I mean, it would be simple if we just ask. What does this mean? Which is what I have been doing. 

I think we are alike in many ways. Similar childhoods. You are the only person I have ever communicated with that has had a worse childhood than I. Mine was pretty bad. Similar things. I have been on the receiving end of broken bones too... this is why when you write about it my immediate response is emotional. I lived it. Not to that extent. But it was pretty bad. Worse. It is just now backing up on me. I have been able to bury it to survive most of my life. I want to paint this pretty picture. I don't want to see it. I don't want anyone to know about it. But it's not going anywhere. 

When we step out into the world you are doing a job for anyone in the world that would read here. I am coming from a place much smaller. I expand, but it is within my family unit. I am fighting to keep the people around me from experiencing the harshness I lived. You are teaching the world from yours. 

Both of us are this one thing. PROTECTORS. 

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@soup Thanks. I agree with you re: protectors.

As for my hate mail, the main reason people get angry with me, or worse, is because I am not them. It's impossible to fix.

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This hits home for me.  My husband and I, living on love alone, a team of two, clawing up the hill together.  But once we reached a summit or two, the link weakened and we began to slide apart.

Partnership against obstacles can forge a powerful bond, the stuff of epics.  But some crumble and abandon ship.  Yours is real, meant for each other!

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@warped I almost left twice. Once in 2002 and then again recently. Around 2017 it started to get sketchy. Then worse in 2018. By early 2020 I had a decision to make. Help him move forward which he deserved; it was his turn. He sacrificed for me and my kids for years. Or jump ship. He was not being kind. He was not even himself. But I took a chance. I thought hard about everything he has done leading up to 2017. And I started packing. I thank God I was not so stupid as to give up. I just jumped with him. My kids were pulling on me. The emotions of my kids and grands were overwhelming. But I remembered that they are grown, have their own lives and those grands are not my kids. Time to get out of the way. He is who I married. I chose him. 

Here we are. A true test. Throw those two in a house in pandemic conditions and lock them up together 24 hours a day with no relief. See if they can pass the test. Here we are Warped. No other people in the way. We have to face each other. 

I love him even more now. I would live with him in a tent on a dirt road and never question it, if that is all we had. He drives me nuts sometimes. He has Mercury in Aquarius. What in the hell is even he saying? 🤣 Who are you? If I could count how many times I have said, come back in the room and explain it like a Pisces would. 🤣 I seriously say this. He laughs. 

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190 firms had exposure to SVB per Bloomberg

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@elsa 😳

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@elsa What a parade of catastrophe. Good lord... there are people that just have no idea.

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@soup I know. And you can't tell them because they don't believe you!

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@elsa and the problem is we are all going to pay for it.

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The newest bank to fail is Signature Bank.



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