
How To Get Rid Of A...
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How To Get Rid Of A Jinn

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I haven't experienced this myself but I would try envisioning a protective cloud of white light encircling me.


According the late and great Stuart Wilde, dark entities love to get hold through a person's etheric.  People who drink to excess or do drugs can create wholes in their etheric that bad spirits take advantage of .

What about tossing salt over the shoulder?  Or taking a bath with lavender oil. Or chanting a protective mantra.  Any kind of prayer should work, I would think.

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@elsa, has your husband communicated with the Jinn/considered communication? Or would he feel comfortable 'bribing' it with pieces of chocolate or whatever, to keep it busy?

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@plutolover he's not interested. He's annoyed by the jinn. Really, he's annoyed by pretty much every entity out there.  This is why he doesn't tell people about this. They want him to contact their dead relatives which me may be able to do. He's done it before, anyway. But he does not like it. He's born like this and he knows what he's supposed to be doing.

You can compare this to the astrology I like. You're not going to get me to invest my time in astrocartography for example. I'm busy!

If you think about it, people are not really available to be directed.  It just seem they are, when you ask them to do something they're interested in, anyway. But this doesn't interest him.

In fact, it's odd this even came up. I guess it's the clarity on this entity being defined?

In the past, he's described going down a hallway of sorts, on this way to wherever he's going... somewhere the interests him, like history! Apparently there are entities, all around, on both sides and maybe up and down in the hallway - they grab at him and try to engage him however they can.

He is not sympathetic. When he first told me this, it disturbed me because I would naturally stop and help? But he says that many of them are evil and just basically, that's not what he's there for.  He described, physically, blocking them with his arms; knocking them back so he can get by, as quickly as possible. He really does not want to engage at all.  This is something he's learned or discerned over the multiple decades.

It's easy to understand if you consider he's been going in and out of this world(s) for 50 years, unbeknowst to almost everyone. His level of experience is off the chain.

He does stand and fight in this process. This is not a sit-on-the-floor and meditate deal. He's up and thrashing around. It's a trip to witness.

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@elsa I get it. I personally wouldn't want to poke a hornet's nest either, but some folks claim engaging with these things is helpful.

From reading your other thread, your husband's emotions are running high at this time, and these entities are attracted to this. I personally would try smudging?

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@plutolover I think he's resolved it.

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@elsa great!

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@elsa Good!

Sue Ellen
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@elsa Good to hear!

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It is Day of The Dead Time. The veil is thin. His mother is dying. Who is coming to take her home? I care for hospice patients. They often journey before they pass. I frequently hear "do you know who I saw?" 

I trained with a ghostbuster of sorts. We would clear the people from the house and stay the weekend. It was often people who had passed on the land. Any generation, even Natives! They would visit when I slept and tell/show  me their sad stories. Always sad stories. They couldnt move on. They were causing all kinds of havoc with the current residents.

Physical/etheric clearing. The harder the substance the harder it was to clear. So the wood and drywall would clear but stuff was still stuck in the NAILS and wires!!! Used all elements to clear, and prayed with them before using fire, smoke/smudge, bells, chimes, gongs, herbal teas, essential oils. We would find worst spots and paint sigils on the walls. Hearts, stars, smiley faces, or more complicated images if you like. These are painted over with primer and new paint. But the sigil vibration remains.Changing the vibration.

I have learned through experience. Sometimes a house need to burn to the ground. Sometimes THIS IS why a house burns. In fact Its one of my gifts now, I recognize them right away. Saturday I was at a political/patriot meeting, folks revealed a massage parlor trafficking hub building. It was "Domestic Violence services" before that.HMMMMMM Good house to burn.

I am also trained by medicine man and medicine woman. I live in this plane also. Sounds like your husband is as well. We learn from childhood and practice what works when we don't have a teacher. We must discern the helpers from the troublemakers. Just like in physical world, BOUNDARIES. LOL. It is a spiritual/physical battle/blessing all the time when you are a spiritual warrior. I liken this to being a victim of Pluto or embodying the power of Pluto. Im this in your Husbands chart?

I was taught to be curious. There is something in everything, and there is no empty space. So grab an angel before you trek.


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