
Interesting Theory
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Interesting Theory

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I just read a guy who has an interesting theory.  He states that everyone has the same amount.  This means, if you have good looks, you lack something else.  Super smart? Costs you in the relationship department.  Lots of money? Docked in some other area.

This should be total bs, but could he be right? When I think of it; it's not that insane.

Maybe it's akin to that claim, you can have any two, but not all three:

Cheap, Fast, & Good.

What do you think?

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Never heard it put quite like that, but after a few experiences I long ago developed a sense of "don't push your luck" and "don't ask for too much.". Better to practice gratitude and avoid greed.  Why tempt fate?

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I was watching a documentary about Irish pubs on St Patrick's Day one year, to be festive. There was one quote that has stuck with me every since: "God did not grant me a beautiful singing voice. He couldn't make me perfect." I got a kick out of the Irish humor there. I think he'd agree with you! 

Personally, I think it's all subjective. I agree with Warped though, better to practice gratitude. I find it much more likely I'll jinx myself if I don't. 

Hades Moon
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I agree with the importance of gratitude.

I can’t totally discount this theory. I think there’s an element of truth to it. I have not met anyone who has it all going on. Sometimes people may appear to have it all but behind closed doors they don’t. I tend to believe that life is a school and that nobody can escape a degree of longing/suffering.

I think we are here to evolve and that’s why most (if not all), do not have it all.

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