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What motivates you to wake up in the morning?

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I went to a dinner party over the weekend and played this conversation card game. This is not something I would ever buy or initiate (but totally something my friend would) and yet I really enjoyed it! This was one of the questions that we each answered, and I'm interested how you all might respond. Maybe add in your Mars placement? Or any other astrology that applies.

My answer is: I completely lack motivation to get up in the morning. I rely heavily on an alarm clock, which I choose to use even on the weekends. I use my grandfather's old alarm clock, because I specifically require an alarm with a really loud, genuine bell sound, as no electronic representation of a bell sound or cell phone music will suffice. (This means I am always on on the hunt for good vintage alarm clocks.) My Mars is in my 12th house, in Gemini, and I have always had the hardest time disengaging from my dream state. With the right gadget though, I'm able to get up and start doing things on autopilot, and then I feel motivated to meet the day. But that initial wake up is such a challenge, even when I've had plenty of sleep.

What motivates you to get up in the morning, and where is your Mars?

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Hmm good question , I am very strict , so I always wake up at 7 AM. And since I’m suffering fRom ptsd , my mental health motivates me in getting up. 

I suspect im perimenopausal , hot flashes and stuff so I sleep very poorly . I wished I could force myself to sleep in and rest. 

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@carmen tough period, but finite,  thank God.

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Reading the title, my first thought was—nothing!! So it was really interesting reading your experience, since I can relate especially lately, because I’ve been in this natural hibernation phase which feels at odds with worldly expectations.

Overall, I think feeling good in my body is what motivates me to get out of bed and keeps me going throughout the day. Maybe that’s simplistic, but I’ve just realized over time how much my physical experience plays a role in how I feel in every sense, and how I move through life. My daily and monthly cycles, and cycles in general, are more often than not at the forefront of my mind.

I woke up with a head cold today, so my day was dedicated to making chicken soup.

Moon (which rules the ruler of my Asc) trine Mars.

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Its a fight between my Sag Moon/Asc that likes to stay up  talking, reading, watching movies etd. and My Capricorn Sun/Mars/Mercury/Venus. These Cap wins. 

Sue Ellen
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Sad to say for me it’s a full bladder. 
I’m Taurus rising and retired. So for me the question is what motivates me to not return to bed.  Again, it’s Taurus rising with Jupiter on the Ascendant. I’ve always been hungry when I wake up. Off to the kitchen for my second morning stop. 

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@sue-ellen I relate to this too. I have stopped drinking fluids after dinner because I hate when my sleep is interrupted by the need to pee. I have to put my alarm clock down at the bottom of the stairs, to deter myself from getting back in bed after I turn it off.

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Duty, tbh. But I'm happy about it.

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@elsa I envy this. I know that's stupid, but I mean I admire your sense of duty, and I try to cultivate more of that in myself.

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