I started going to the Y, twice a week. My dogs are having a bad reaction, especially, Sparky. But really, it's all of them. They are just used to me being here and they don't like my husband and I leaving in two cars. We do this, because after the class, he goes to his mother's. I come home to work.
Anyway, Sparky is a bit of a wreck (he hides under the "left open" dryer door), off by himself... but also, all four dogs, want to be under my desk, at my feet. This is normal for our new black dog and Sparky, but Iggy - no way, until now. It's Lila too.
All four dogs hang around me, like leaves on a tree. It's heartbreaking in a way. I am trying to address, Sparky's insecurities, but I am afraid, psycho Lila is telling the little dogs, "She's gone, she left you, she doesn't love you anymore..."
Anyway, it's hard to work with eight dog eyes staring at you. This is unprecedented.
The freaky one is Iggy. He is a standoffish dude and now he wants to crowd under my desk?
They usually only swarm like this during major storms.
"Lips Finnegan". This is the name my husband gave a woman on the baking show with weird lips. We were talking about who we'd like to win.
"Lips Finnegan is pretty good, but she's intolerable."
I have also been in cancerland with my mother. She has completed 3/6 chemo treatments for terminal endometrial cancer.
I took a week in August with her for her birthday. Took her to the beach, nice dinners etc. We had a wonderful visit. Her Leo sun was in heaven. She enjoys the attention.
She is still running around with energy. Blessed be.
I have done my inner work on her and me.
She has not had the same tools and is catching up. It is heavy and rewarding to speak truth without fear. With love.
I explained I had to leave to get the lessons they could not give me and now I am bringing the gifts I learned.
I expect suffering and decline in her future......my future. Sad winter ahead.
When covid came I downsized and bought an OLD car. Dumped a bunch of money in it. Now I have GREAT OLD car that will last a LONG time. BUT its front wheel drive, too low to the ground. I cannot get over the snowey pass to daughter in Canada, or down the icy Columbia gorge to mother.
So I bought a 2016 BMW X5. I am DRIVER. I took high performance driving school and road raced with my ex. We had a racecar. I LOVE this car. I got a good deal. It only had 60,000 miles. 6 cylinders. It does everything I ask without hesitation.
My mechanic told me "Keep the old car, shop for a Lexus, trade the BMW in before 90,000. You will love the Lexus, you will thank me."
Apparently BMW is proprietary, and make repairs miserably expensive. And I will do exactly as he instructed.
My handyman is 70. My mechanic is 70. How is this all going to go down 🙁 ?
My mood today
I logged onto the forum today after a week. I’ve been busy. There were 100 new comments on this thread.
Busy place!