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Random Thoughts & Conversation - Part 2

Sue Ellen
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Here’s a short story. 

Six weeks ago, I attended an out of state wedding. Most everybody, including me, were tired. I was already wary of my narcissistic aunt. Once at a funeral, she’d poked me hard in the back to demand my attention. She’d sneaked up behind me in a typical Aquarius surprise. 

At the wedding reception, I crossed the room to sit beside my cousin’s husband. He’s the son-in-law of this aunt. We were having a pleasant conversation. I noticed the aunt was positioning herself to surprise me. I didn’t feel like it. I’m a controlling Capricorn.  What does a Capricorn with a Sadge Mercury mouth do when presented with the possibility of sitting between two narcissists?

The aunt struck.  She placed a chair beside and behind me, out of sight.  She gripped my lower thigh, right above the knee, while sitting slightly behind me. Her thumb dug into my varicose spider veins. I didn’t scream. I calmly waved her off. I put my hand up between our faces. I turned towards her only long enough to say, “We’re having a conversation.” As I ignored her, she left and crossed the room. 

My Scorpio brother thought I was justified. Others were more sympathetic to her. Not that it’s a contest.

We met again this past weekend at a funeral visitation. The aunt circled the room. I was sitting with her daughter and her husband.  This is the same man. When my cousin noticed her mother may be ready to join us, she insisted she and I switch places so the aunt wouldn’t sit next to me.  She also asked me to keep quiet about the incident. We all behaved. We even hugged on departure. So all seems to be forgiven.  

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Sue Ellen
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I should clarify.

My cousin and her sister have both been to therapy. So have their daughters. All to find out why they have partner problems. The root of the problem is my aunt, their mother and grandmother. My aunt has been classified, second hand, by professionals as a narcissist. So have my cousins’ spouses. 

I wasn’t just throwing the term out there. 

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@sue-ellen boundaries are appropriate!

Sue Ellen
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@elsa Thank you! Sometimes I think only person in my family  who understands the problem my Scorpio brother.

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My husband said one of the young girls who helps with his mom was talking about how she went on a date to Pizza Hut and brought her best friend...

"You know how you hear about people getting killed on dates..."

"Are you telling me, this boy asked you out? He got up the gumption to ask you on a date. You've known him your whole life. He comes to you house to pick you up; your mom knows him. Everyone knows him, and you're afraid he's going to kill you?  Kill you when he's just trying to have some pizza with you?"


Strange days.

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@elsa What an odd thing to have on one’s mind under those circumstances.

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Two Mutable t-squares today. Every day I'm shufflin'!

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So exciting. Seems these data breech notices come in the mail every day now. Just last week all my medical information including my SS# was released into the wind. Lucky me! Now everyone in this country and another can read about my missing uterus and added bonus, can see all my test results from March. Yippee. So damn excited. 

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@soup shit. I'm sorry.

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@elsa it gets old, right? Same ole song and dance. None of us have any privacy. Shameful 😖

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For some reason (mutable storm), I feel like saying this.

Do you remember when I revealed my spine MRI? It had been like that for YEARS. I never said anything.

I have an infinitely worse situation underway, also for years. I was thinking today, about the day I share.  You'd be stunned.

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Sue Ellen
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@elsa I remember. It hurt to look at it. It’s hard to share such personal information. I’m sorry for the pain you’ve endured all these years.

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@sue-ellen thank you. Upside is, pain is reduced now and what remains is well controlled,  for nearly a year now.

I'm going to my back doc, soon, just to ask about exercise and potential injury.  I like the Y but I don't want to go backwards. 

Sue Ellen
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It’s good to ask your back doc.  Hopefully you’ll get guidance.

 When I joined the Y last time, part of the join fee was an evaluation. I was lucky to have a licensed physical therapist evaluate me. The PT also taught a water class I took. The PT showed me how to modify exercises to not stress my wonky knees. 

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Ruby the calf took second place, overall.  Everyone is happy!

I also heard how they used to have "strippers" at the county fair in this town. It's got a reputation 'cross the state, for being the place to go if you want to fight!  However, best be in church on Sunday, for yer altar call!

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Sue Ellen
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@elsa Yeah, Ruby! Good work by the kids!

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