
Random Thoughts & C...
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Random Thoughts & Conversation - Part 2

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Old people class is trying to remember this:

"Create in me a pure heart, O God,
    and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
11 Do not cast me from your presence
    or take your Holy Spirit from me.
12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation
    and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.

We close the class with this but draw blanks. It's funny.

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This is beautiful.  Just took a pic so I can recite it daily. Thank you! ❤️

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"Our greatest achilles heel is our highly malleable/programable psychology."

I agree with this 100%

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Yes, and not just with media and culture, but in relationships -- baiting, gaslighting, coercion, manipulation, illusion.

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It's really nice. We just collectively can't get is said... remembered, fully and collectively.

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Psalms 51:10 - 12.  Just for reference.    heart  

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Today I'm wondering if we're more like dogs than we think. 

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Class was fun today. Heard about, Penny, who is 101 years old today. She lives in the house she grew up in. Apparently, there is a picture of her house in the local library, including the family.  She's the youngest kid in the picture... "just a little thing".

She has antique beds... tall beds in the house and fell out of one of them once.

 I was invited to play bunco and may do it one day.

There was a gal in her 80's who used to walk to the Y for step class and then walk home. She's hung it up @ 88.

Met a new gal who is apparently, blunt.  She told me, "I'll tell you how the hogs eats the cabbage!"

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@elsa What a riot 😄

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@allie120 yes, the teacher is quite a character. I was invited to come to this class, nine years ago and heard about her at that time.  She's very personable and attractive. I think she is 71, her body looks like she is 30.  She plays dumb blonde and to an extent, it's real.

I say this because her doctor told her she had tennis elbow, she's been hella confused and annoyed since. "I never played tennis in myyyy life!"

There are several ret. nurses in there who say nothing... but she has to wear this little 1" side brace and every time she complains like hell, because she's not played tennis, before in her life!  And they said this was tennis elbow. How do you get tennis elbow without ever playing tennis in your life?

When someone drops their little exercise ball, she says, "She's doin' it right! That's the right way!"

Calf, Ruby got her butt sprayed with hairspray, I guess. They have to lift the tail somehow.  "I saw that and said, what you sprayin' her butt for?"  Ex-hairdresser.

My husband and I drank out of the same water bottle. "Ew.."

"Do you kiss your husband?" I asked.

"Not very often," she said. "No, not hardly at all!"

They consider the group a "fellowship", which means anyone of them would step in to help us.  It's a really good group. Not a sour apple anywhere, and if you are, then that's be fine too, I'm sure.

I have not spent a ton of time in this particular town, but I can tell you, they couldn't be any happier, warts and all.

I was told the county pulls people together, whether they like it or not.

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@elsa This is amazing 😅. I feel like this would be a novel and very good! Or short stories.

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