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Random Thoughts & Conversation - Part 2

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We're having a new grandson; got the 20 week ultrasound today. I marvel at how a human being can be created in a matter of weeks. It's astonishing when you stop and think about it.

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@elsa ❤️ no greater blessing. Congratulations on this miracle!

Hades Moon
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@elsa Congratulations, this is lovely news!💕

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@elsa Blessed Be.

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Scott was telling me about going off on someone. He has Venus, Mars, pluto conjunct his virgo ascendant.  Verbal attacks. Mars mercury,  obviously. 

He was telling me about it. "Fuck you and the horse you rode in on!"

I cracked up. Have not heard that in a long time. Quintessential Tucson of our era.

Another thing, I realized I have never held my tongue when talking to Scott.  Ever!

I realized this and mentioned it. He was proud and flattered.  I caught, this is how he would want to be?

I can't imagine life, with people like this gone from the world. Seriously,  I can't imagine it. I hope this means I won't have this experience. 

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@elsa Damn…

I do think about this 😞

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@allie120 Scott also told me he's never had a creative idea in his life. I was struck. He IS creative because he can play the piano like a bat out of hell.  He's also very articulate, but that's not creative thinking, is it?


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@elsa What an interesting thought…I sit can here and listen to people who are so articulate and it’s so wonderful to hear. So organized and precise. I’ve never thought whether it was creative or not, until now. I believe I would have assumed it was. But maybe it’s more of a skill. A skill in precision. Piano is a skill. But wouldn’t it involve expression, interpretation, as well. That is creative.

Wow. Wild.

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@allie120 he offered an example, when we were teenagers, he used movie lines on me, because he had no lines of his own?

I had not seen media, so I thought these were his own lines and he was very clever.  It was a dozen years later, before someone told me he was quoting, Dirty Harry, and in other cases, Steve McQueen.

Crap! I write my own lines.  But I think this is why intelligent people (like Scott) like to interact with me. It's the originality that attracts them.

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@elsa Oh wow! That’s a whole different perspective, then. Did he kniw you hadn’t seen the movies, so had no reference? It puts a different spin on it. People who know the references would have known the same type of humor or understand the significance of the scene. My sister and I do all these analogous scene type jokes about thinks in real life but we have a similar background of knowing these stories.

Interesting. Also, I find your perspectives such as this to be valuable against what I know to understand. I can think of another person like that; she would just say something and make me think about the thing.

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@allie120 no, he did not know anything about me. Even when he did, he didn't.  Thought I was 21 - I was 15. I said I was Italian and I am. He and his whole family thought I was Mexican and lying. No clue why.

Scott spent his entire childhood indoors. He played piano all day and was tutored.  He's very smart and also educated, but when he was not playing piano, he watched tv and movies and nothing else.

See why his sister had to fix him up?

Well, I guess he came to the bar and he was funny as shit, but obnoxious. If it's not obvious, I am attracted to obnoxious people. I like funny, confident, boisterous people and he is like that.

I'd say it took him 20 years to figure me out and what you figure out, is I am unfathomable.

I am not really, unfathomable. But it seems that way.

See, I tricked his whole family with my age and he tells me, I would have never been found out. They had NO idea.  And then I sued that bastard when I was 17... and confessed my lie.

This stuff is not typical, in real life.

Bottom line, his childhood was extreme like mine but opposite.   Coddling. I mean, he's the little brother.  But he also lost his sister (and I, my friend) when we were all young.  I think he was 21 or so... he was the last person to see her. They were really, really close.  He had the best sister, ever. It's one of the connections we have.

If you did not know his sister, you could not understand the magnitude of the loss.  She was epic and I'm not kidding.  But it's their relationship that was everything.  There isn't a thing in the world she'd not have done for him. I worked with her. I could literally feel her energy changed when he came in.  Pure joy.

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@elsa What an amazing relationship you all had. It’s wild, the dichotomy but almost like a horseshoe.

I’m so sorry for the loss of his sister, for all of you..

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@allie120 Thank you. We talk about her, a lot.  She is a major thing that connects us.

But also, my MOTHER loved, Scott.  Scott the Cancer. And he helped me with her, greatly and for a significant amount of time. (years)

I told my mother he wanted to marry me.  She did not believe me.  She said I was not good enough for him.  Not even close.

Yes, I'm serious.

So see, he knows a lot about me and of me and if something happened to him, as I feared other day, it would hit me very hard.

He also wrote 100 page diatribe about me and sent it to me. I returned it, unread.  ::laughs::

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@elsa I love the connections. Really. They’re incredibly special and maybe something rare.

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My brother has noticed a definite decline in my mother. She uses a cane to walk around her condo and she seems more paranoid. And she mentioned a nursing home but I didn’t get a read on how she said it. I don’t know if she is pissed and frustrated and/or giving up or if she’s ok with it. She had mentioned to me recently how she wanted to be closer to one of us kids and I have felt that way for years but she was adamant about not moving. 

My brother and sister and I will have a conference call on this.

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@allie120 as you know I just went through this. I went back home several times because my mom was having problems although she claimed she was not. The day I walked in and saw my mother standing in the kitchen with a walker was shocking as it happened suddenly, it seemed. I had an uphill battle with the 'boyfriend' and had to run my mouth so she would get the proper care. Then he got the CV and she caught it from him... lost her in a week. She was a heavy smoker though who had already had cardiovascular problems, so it took her fast. She smoked for decades. Heavily. Not that this makes a difference when your mother is sick. I am so sorry to read this. I know how much you love your mother. And I know you are worried. I am so sorry. This hits home with me. I just went through it. I hope you find a way to find some comfort for all of you quickly. The three of you will put your heads together and do what is best for mom. xo

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@soup Thank you, dear ❤️. My brother is very good with her and he takes her to appointments so he sees her often. For him to say this…well you know it’s coming. It’s that difficult line between them being able to care for themselves but they need some help and refuse, to suddenly being frail. 

I just can’t help thinking the next step is so often one of the last steps.

But I don’t know yet. I just need more information. I think my brother is on the road for work for the rest if the day but we will figure it out.

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@allie120 I will keep this on my heart. And I will be praying for your family. I am so sorry. The three of you will know what to do.  ❤️

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@soup Thank you so much.

Hades Moon
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@allie120 So sorry to hear this, Allie.

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@hades-moon Thank you ❤️.

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I was crying on the way home from the oil change this morning, thinking about what my brother said. I’m sad, scared, worried. My face didn’t look like I was crying by the time I got home so I didn’t say anything to my husband because I know how I get with my mom. I hear a bad thing or something she needs and my immediate emotions are: 💥 I NEED TO DO SOMETHING. I mean, we will. But I need more details, more information from my brother and my sister has input, too.

So I’m sad, concerned, distracted, a little angry (not at a person, just that these these are sad and happen).

So I’m rinsing a dish and my husband breezes through the kitchen to the garage where he’s working on some truck thing and says, without stopping or missing a beat:

”Well, SOMETHING is gonna get banged today!”

And disappeared into the garage.





Yeah. That was funny 😄 

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@allie120 I'm sorry, Allie-Ali.  About your mom, I mean. ❤️

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@elsa Thank you. You know these things will happen, probably, but you know how it is. We three kids will talk and see what we will do. We were looking into home health aid just to help her with laundry, maybe light housework, and some companionship but it may be beyond that. Talking to her, I know she has paranoia but always manifested itself as her griping and complaining.

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@allie120 Godspeed to you and your family.

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@elsa ❤️

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@allie120 It's nice you have each other to share this process with. Grace and Ease.

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@nona Thank you 😊

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@elsa 😂

The cadence is terrific by these two.

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@elsa this is hilarious!

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@elsa This is amazing 😂🤣😄. And going to a good cause.

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@allie120 thanks!  I'm hoping laughing at the same thing, might bring people together.

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@elsa Yes!

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@elsa Right? Hilarious

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The Queensland Department of Health launched a campaign. The message is:

“It’s okay to poo at work”  😳

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@hades-moon see, I think they are making it so stupid, people just have to stop and think!

Hades Moon
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@elsa Yeah, exactly!

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