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Random Thoughts & Conversation - Part 2

Bar in the Sky
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Posted by: @elsa

I smiled, but inside, I wept!

Exactly as how I read it! With my hand grasping my chest! 

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I have been educating AI on astrology - here is Chat GPT. It looks tiny, hopefully you can click to expand.

IMG 1843


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@aspire THANK YOU!  You're a QUEEN! Smile

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I have decided to ask my husband to wear his "I BEAT ANOREXIA" shirt to the gym / the Y.

These ladies enjoy our fresh energy.

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@elsa 😄

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@soup! I’ve been thinking about you! How are you!

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@allie120 Made it through one hell of a storm. Oh boy. It hit the panhandle at Tallahassee and started straight up the state but moved just a little bit east and when it did, it changed direction and went to the Ocean side of ATL and into N Carolina and S Carolina then into TN like that map I shared. Lot of flooding. I have never seen rain like that in my life, but you know, my power didn't even flicker. How that is possible I have no idea. Millions are w/o power though. And so many people have lost everything, and so many people drowned in the flash flooding. Thank you for thinking about me. xoxox Hope all is well with you... I even made some Chili today 😋

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@soup Thank God you all are ok! ☀️

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@allie120 ❤️

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My husband says his mother is getting near death. He's informing his siblings.  Don't know if he's right.

I don't know how this is all going to go down, as he is heavily scheduled with doctor's appointments.

We're both doing okay though.

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@elsa I would be inclined to trust a Scorpio Moon's gut on that.

Hades Moon
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@soup It is so good to see you!. It’s been gut wrenching seeing the footage on TV. I’m so glad you have power and are ok. What a relief!

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@hades-moon thank you so much for thinking of us. I have never witnessed rain like that in my life. The thunder shook my home. But when it moved east a smidge ... it just missed us. I dk how. So many people lost everything in 6 states. Florida, Georgia, N and S Carolina Virgina and Tennessee. I'm just glad it's over. Have my 2nd hurricane under my belt. There is nothing to compare these things to. Not a tornado, nothing.

Hades Moon
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 @soup Gosh, the thunder shaking the home would have been terrifying. I find thunder alone scary enough. Yeah, the rain sounds Full on. Thank god 🙏🏻it moved east and missed you (just). That’s like someone above was looking after you guys heart .

So sad about other’s less fortunate. Natural disasters are Ruthless! 😔. Thank goodness it’s over.

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@hades-moon We can all see the devastation now. We were warned for three days before, and the media was screaming get out now. Because our media is so full of hype and lies otherwise, I thought they sounded like a bunch of paid actors, and I didn't believe them. Until it started. My gutters could not contain it. But for whatever reason it moved a bit to the east and while we still got a mess here it was nothing like what happened in the east. I see the pictures in the Carolinas and far east TN, and they are buried. Whole towns are missing. That was supposed to be us. It was to go through here and hit Chattanooga, but it moved. I will never stay here for another one. This is my second hurricane, and I will leave the moment they mention another one. It's terrifying. Imagine between 12 and 24 inches of rain hitting the foothills or the mountains. Disaster. The dams and levees no match for that kind of rain. I was talking about it here 3 or so days prior. At any rate I don't plan to be around for another one. We don't have biblical weather where I grew up. I will go back home 😳 This place is straight drama all the time. We are both exhausted.

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@soup God.. how do your dogs deal? Ours are unglued for hours with one lightning strike.

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@soup yikes that sounds too close for comfort. Glad you made it through unscathed.

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