I was going to click over to hear an astrologer's predictions for Pluto in Aquarius but realized it was not necessary, because the person is only going to offer safe, pc content. What's the point!?
On a light, touching grass note: it’s 4:13 here with sunset in about 12 minutes. I can hear the owl hooting already 😌.
The owl is an owl doing his owl things and doesn’t know anything happening.
Bam. Just got another email. Sons tell their father, his wife of six years can't come to holidays,
Excuse me but wtf!
Anyway, my husband said he’d talked to our daughter yesterday (I didn’t know as I was driving home from NY). He said the kids have some very odd ideas about things and she startes veering off into adjacent topics so just let them believe what they believe because that’s what they believe. IOW, there’s this complaint about one thing so we are thinking that’s the topic to solve but they are upset about a whole bunch of other things (I guess “the package”).
So my husband and I are from a certain perspective or generation for lack of better words and the kids are seeped in something else so, yes, Elsa and soup said as much.
Thank you.
Client called because boss took her for on a business trip. This meant she was getting fired. The two just can't get along, so he picked *not* her?
I got on the phone and I will say, I do have balls. I told her she was not getting fired.
"Then why did he take her?"
"I don't know. But he is not getting rid of you.."
I told her, even if he did fire her, she would be up and climbing, very quickly. It's in the chart. She's known me for a number of years and trusts me - Scorpio moon. She was right when she called, but since I didn't agree...
"So don't send in my resignation letter?"
So this was a few weeks ago. Learned tonight, she did not get fired. She did sell a major contract to keep the company going for the next three years, easily.
The foe is going down tomorrow.