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Random Thoughts & Conversation - Part 2

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🤣 🤣 🤣 The closer we get the dumber these get. I just did a copy paste here so you can see how outer limits this stuff is getting. Poor crazy people. On display for all the world to see and burned into eternity because, the internet is forever. At any rate.... read this! 🤣 Dear God, make it stop. I have lost all respect for the person that did the reach on this. It's literally ruining astrology for me altogether. 


CERN Collider & Eclipse: April 8th Cosmic Riddle 🌑"Description: 🌀 Get ready for a spine-chilling journey this April 8th! #CERN fires up its particle collider during a total solar eclipse, sparking wild theories and questions. 🌌 Are they altering our reality? What's with their logo looking eerily like the Mark of the Beast? 🪐 Dive into the mind-bending #UniplanetaryEvolutionTheory. Imagine a solar system where each planet is an Earth at different evolutionary stages! 🌎 From Mercury's infancy to Neptune's old age - a cosmic reflection of our planet's past, present, and future. ✨ But there's more! What ancient wisdom lies in the saying "As above, so below"? Could our universe really be a fractal, with entire universes in a mustard seed? 🚀 Amidst this cosmic spectacle, NASA launches three rockets. What secrets are they seeking during the eclipse?💫 And as the Devil's Comet returns, the world watches, anticipating an awakening, a new understanding of our existence in space and time. 👀 Stay tuned as we explore these cosmic mysteries. Is April 8th the day we uncover our true origins and destiny? #April8thMystery #cern #nasa #SpaceTimeSecrets #CosmicConspiracy #EclipseAwakening

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@soup BREAKING: U.S. to face extremely rare “cicada-geddon” as two generations of over 100 trillion cicadas will emerge together for the first time since 1803, shortly after the April 8th solar eclipse.

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@elsa 🤣

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@soup get the eclipse in there. Keywords!

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@elsa cicada-geddon 🤣 🤣 just dead laughing.  

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@elsa 🤣 You have to keep these coming. I am dead laughing. 🤣  


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@elsa I have two Virgo sisters. I love them dearly. Don't get me wrong, we can go around, but I would pull someone's eyes out over those two ladies. So, in trying to understand Virgo energy more - so I can be what they need when they are head-y I started reading. 

I come across Richard Marx. (singer-songwriter) Omg. Talk about a Virgo. Damn near all his planets are in Virgo. So, the guy is a song writer, and you can see it clearly, sings like a bird, can see that too... he is very private about his personal life and married two Scorpio women. (he has Mars and Neptune in Scorpio) One for 25 years and the current one. You can see the compatibility in their charts. 

I am sitting here with a husband that is going through it so I decide, I will read this guy's book. I do. And I read it fast. All of it. 

No over inflated ego but you might expect one because another person of the same caliber accomplishments would probably brag. Nope. Just gave the facts on what he has done and how people have helped him along the way. 

The most interesting part .... he says it's hard for him to express love verbally. It feels awkward and it doesn't come naturally but he feels deeply and so it is easier said in song lyrics that he writes for himself and others. When you hear him speak you think... very little emotion, but then listen to the lyrics in his songs.... that is a deep well. Whoa. His chart is probably close to 60% earth. I don't normally see heavy earth as deeply emotional. Or in the feels like that. But after reading his memoir, damn. 

I have time on my hands taking care of this man. So, I have been reading. Decided to read about a mega/super Virgo. Gave me some insight into my practical sisters who seem like walking accountants. Had no idea they had all that going on.... down deep somewhere where you never see it, because they don't express like a water sign. Now I love them more. Even though when I talk to them sometimes it's like talking to a tax attorney LOL I go after my sisters and go in for the kill... if I am seeing them, I am hugging them and I mean I lean into it... they are as stiff as a board LOL and next to my Cap DIL the most awkward huggers I have ever known... 🤣 

They may not be comfortable in a cling on situation, but man do they feel all the things. I had no idea. I want to hug them; they want to organize my pantry... they show love through help. I have a granddaughter with Virgo rising and moon. I love her so much. Of my grandchildren she is the one that hangs back to hold my hand and make sure I get from point A to point B (and I don't need it but it's so sweet)  

Sue Ellen
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@soup My Virgo sister is super emotional. She has a Cancer Moon, Scorpio rising. 
I can be emotionally cold as a Capricorn. I have a Cancer Moon, too. But…my Saturn and Neptune square that moon.

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@sue-ellen My husband has a Cap moon. When I tell you he is the sweetest human I really mean it. He has that cold exterior at work because he mostly has to maintain this stance... but he is emotionally the sweetest most loving human I know. Now, don't get me wrong, we have our moments. But he is all the love I could ever want. I describe it as a sturdy love you can count on. He has all this Saturn on me...  I never doubt I am loved. 

My little grandie... she is so particular. She misses nothing. She gets in a situation, and she is there to help. I have never seen such a kid. She has moon square Pluto so you can see there is some deep stuff brewing in there, but she holds it back. I've been trying to read as much as I can about earth mostly because of the sisters who are hard to read sometimes... the main event though is my little granddaughter with all the Virgo. I just want to understand them better, so I don't make a mistake, read them wrong and say the wrong thing. We have less time to do things right every day. 

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@elsa Thanks for that. I needed a laugh.

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Screenshot 20240404 151957 Facebook

Cloud cover expected April 8th. This may ruin some of these stories for people ... 

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@soup I am expecting to be at work on April 9th.

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@elsa hahaha omg.... you are killing me today LOL

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I remember fighting about this on this blog, twenty years ago. 

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@elsa what is happening here? I wasn't here 20 years ago....

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@soup that's what TSA sees, when you fly. I was outraged... everyone else was cool with it. Nothing ever changes.

It was a reminder to me, to stfu!

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@elsa Is this true? This is what TSA actually sees?  Dear God... I already avoid flying. If this is what they see... I will never get on a plane again. To be sure my ass is not as good as this one in the picture 🤣 

I am still mortified from my fast ride to the ER dressed in the worst possible way for the situation and my 'all of it' flapping in the breeze for all to see. I wished I were dead 🤣 

The internet has become such a strange place. What I have learned came from you

#1 Don't take the bait. 

#2 Go back to number one LOL 

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@soup yes, it's true.

They were able to get people to accept and even defend this.

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@elsa Well I am glad to see this. Unless there is some catastrophic emergency that I have to attend in 2 hours.... I will never fly again. Thinking about this makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Wish I knew before I flew to AZ last time. That trip would never have happened.

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@soup agreed. 

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Just saw the most horrible case of animal neglect. Omg my heart is breaking for this poor dog. Trying to collaborate with my coworkers to figure out what to do to save the poor thing. Please pray for this poor baby. It’s a pug. Emaciated. Left in its own feces in a small wired crate. The poor thing cannot even sit down on the wires. Please God 😭

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@elsa it looked so sad. All it could do was stand the whole time we were there. It tried to sit but couldn’t get comfortable on the wires. It’s skin and bones. Can see every rib protruding. Its hair was matted with feces. Paw pads were raw. 

My coworker came up with this plan to ask if we could take him and give him the care he needs. They came back with “for 3000 dollars” 😭 

I called the police and they told me to call the human society? Even though animal abuse is a crime they don’t want to do anything about it. Called the dept of agriculture animal welfare. They were closed. There is nothing we can do but wait for the morning and call when they open. 😔

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The crate is broken. There is no bottom to it. It’s a wire crate without a bottom. The pup has to sit and lay directly on the wires. There’s no food or water in there. Looked like it had been in there a long time. Feces was hard.

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@sirena-oceana I'm sorry.  I admire what you're doing.  It would scar me. Ugh. I'm sorry.

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@elsa I’ve never seen anything like this before. The cruelty is unbelievable. I’m freaking out and doubt I sleep tonight. 😢

Animal and child abuse are the things that hurt me the most. It’s the reason I don’t work with children. I couldn’t handle it. 

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@sirena-oceana focus on the eyes.

This was advice I was given when I used to bring communion to the hospital.  If I were to see someone, destroyed.

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@elsa I did Elsa and all I saw was pain 😢

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@sirena-oceana I'm sorry. Sick.

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It’s poor eyes were begging to get out of there. There was a little girl there about 5 and she was playing with the dog through the crate. I asked her if she could take it out and she said, oh not if I take him out uncle —- will beat me, I have to play with him like this, through the crate. And then she said — his momma is with my grandma and his brother, he died already.

Well my coworker said last week there was another dog but this time it wasn’t there. 😭

This client we are trying to help moved out of the NF to live with relatives. There’s an entire family. So many people living in the house. I can’t believe all those people would neglect their dog. No one cares about him except the little girl 

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Our client, he’s got cognitive issues, mild IDD. I asked him whose dog it is and he said he didn’t know. He told me he stays in his room all the time. How can you not know? I asked if the dog is ever let out and he said yes. I asked how often and he told me he doesn’t know. 🙁

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I got a picture of it. I’m calling animal welfare as soon as they open in the morning. Just pray that he is comfortable through the night. I pray that an Angel holds him all night and he doesn’t feel any pain. I’ll keep you posted.

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Deleted the thread by request. Sorry.

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