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Random Thoughts & Conversation - Part 2

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I can see the eclipse from my house. Smile

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@elsa just saw it. I can report nothing happened. It was cool, but the rapture didn't take anyone I know or anyone in the state I am in away LOL

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@soup I feel great with all this Aries. God! Now wonder I married a soldier! 

Wooo hoooo!

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@elsa Same!!! The energy is AMAZING... we are blasting music here and the Pisces is making fish.... great day

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@elsa If anything this eclipse was a gift. The energy is amazing. I am strutting around like a peacock. It feels so good to be energized like this. I went outside during and stood barefoot on the grass ... took it all in. What a gift. I would take one of these weekly! 😊

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@soup similar experience.  Rainy day, clouds broke. Now the grass and the garden is all happy. Planted some flowers. Happy!

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@elsa in light of everything that has happened to so many of us and our friends and family... we take these days and cherish them.

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@soup I didn’t think of it like this, so thank you. This is probably what it is. I definitely don't want my husband upset.

My neighbor needs a liver transplant.  I think her son will donate, if he can.

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@soup I feel so happy for you, lady.

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@elsa Awe, Love that. My dad was a Taurus. I always picture my gone Dad when you talk about your man. Everyone was afraid of my dad. LOL

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Especially after a stroke; Speech therapy is not just about speech. Equally or more important is SWALLOWING. Swallowing involves over 30 nerves and muscles in the head and neck.

As an RN, I'm trained to spot signs of swallowing problems. (Preventing aspiration pneumonia, because pneumonia is expensive and killer of old ones) All these processes slow down with aging. If swallowing is even possibly compromised I get them to speech. They are HIGHLY specialized. I'm always fascinated with all they can do!

Maybe Ben is working on swallowing <3 



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@nona thank you. I have not heard anything like that from him or others, but it's possible. I will ask him, next time I talk to him.

I really could not discern exactly what he was trying to convey, but I was satisfied, acquiring food is not the problem.

He said he is drinking tons of coffee... which I think is usual.  But he said he has some toast and butter and then also said he does not have toast and butter.

He said both things several times, but not necessarily one then the other and then back.  He damned near says both things in the same sentence... and then apologizes for not being able to speak.

That's another thing; he apologized more than 50 times.  Every time I said it was no problem and every time he was enormously and sincerely grateful. Not that I think anyone is picking on him. That's just, Ben. He's a classy man.

It's weird. I'd probably do that same thing. Certain manners are just ingrained.

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Bought the German server. Fiverr guy is on it as of today.

He will be quick. Smile

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@elsa Nothing stops you from moving forward. Even when Pluto was dredging through your 12th house. The pain. All kinds of pain. You did not stop moving. I don't know what you have in your birth chart that keeps you moving like this. 

When the 💣 hits the fan for me, it paralyzes me for a minute. I stay in one place. Maybe because I am fixed. Universe wants to change it up? Yeah, I will not move. I am just standing there with my heels dug in. 

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@soup this sound like, Ben. He even uses that phrase.  Heels dug in. My husband is different.  He'll bug out. He actually has a bug out bag, packed, to this day

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@elsa You move. Even when your spine is twisted in directions I cannot understand. You can't walk so you get on a riding lawn mowing thing and go get the dogs... up at the crack of dawn... cooking or whatever you are doing... planting corn maybe or for all I know.

When I am bewildered, I stay still.... When I don't know what to do, I don't do anything. 

You just keep moving. That energy is coming from somewhere. You have heavy earth.... so... what parts are making you move? 

I guess while I am dumbfounded, I ask because I need to move now. This eclipse was a nice jolt for me. My Aries grand won't stand for me being paralyzed much longer. She is sick of it. Starting to demand I get moving. 

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@soup I think it's Jupiter and 9th house. I'm lifted up somehow. I'm held up.

I also take things seriously. Especially, responsibility and commitments and such.

I also prefer not to be dependent so if I can avoid it, I will.

Really, I am just taking my best option.


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Ben's cello teacher just popped up. She had her third Saturn return and her Pluto opposition. I really like, Pluto in Cancer people.  She's still working!!  Seriously. SHE. IS. WORKING.

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@elsa Bless her. That transit transitioned both my parents. Off they went. The Pluto opposition that is. And, when it happened, especially to my mom, she high tailed it out of here fast. Dad, typical Pisces, took some time (two weeks) but then off he went too.

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I mentioned this a year ago, but here we are a year later... went so fast.

My friend of years (decades) that moved to the small town I grew up in from the Northeast died. She lived in my town briefly because her Taurus husband was in the military, and we had a base there where he was sent. They were in my town for around maybe 6 years. I met her when we worked in the local hospital together. 

She too, was a Scorpio stellium. She was so full of love. Especially for her family. I didn't know she was a Scorpio Stellium until she passed last year, and I had all her birth information. She was a Halloween Scorpio. Just born a few days after me. 

I bring this up for reasons.... like I miss her. While she moved back to the Northeast (Rhode Island) we stayed in contact. I loved her so. Also, her ex-husband (the Taurus) is now suffering in the worst way. They were together for 30 years when he divorced her and is suffering her loss deeply today. I am not sure really how he has lived through it. Even though they divorced they found some way to somehow be best friends. Something I myself could never do... so hats off to em.... 

And.... she died in her sleep. Stroke, heart attack. No other illness. She was fine the day before. They all went to a wedding celebration. Family was in town. She went home and went to bed. She lay down, went to sleep and died. I am reminded of this this morning because he is writing to her on Facebook.... he looks terrible. He is a shell of himself. 

I am so sick of getting the news someone I know, or love... just died out of nowhere. Just here and fine today, dead tomorrow. 

We are coming up on the one-year anniversaries of all the people that passed last year out of nowhere for no good reason that we can come up with. Just instant strokes.  And heart attacks. Let's not forget the heart attacks. 

I see that Taurus suffering. He will never get over losing her. 

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Comment from today's letter:

"You are way too negative ! Always"

I'm stunned. I have no idea how to respond to something like this.

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