
Random Thoughts & C...
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Random Thoughts & Conversation - Part 2

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These calm astro weeks have been nice. I feel far less pressured.

I'd also like to go a month without super bad news... and I mean regarding the people around me, including people from this blog. I think I may get my wish!

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" For those who are married to their cousin have your aunt mom or uncle dad read this for you before you come."


This is a real note, from a personal ad (like craigslist). Dude wants people to read the details around what he's selling, so yahoos don't come by to waste his time. Smile

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@elsa 🤣

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We don’t live in a “good” world with some “evil" people. We live in an “evil” world with some “good" people.

I just read this. Do you agree with this? 

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@soup Yes and no.  I think there are A LOT of good people, though I admit, they're falling prey to the other side at a pretty good clip.

I can't say the world is evil, because it's so well designed; clearly by God, from what I can see.

As an example, the way food reproduces itself is quite marvelous.  How each of us are unique. Also marvelous. How our bodies heal. Fantastic miracles abound. So much of the world is fantastic in this way; it's not evil.

But is this world under the control of evil people? ::coughs:: Yes. 

"Paved paradise. Put up a parking lot."

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I can't say the world is evil, because it's so well designed; clearly by God, from what I can see.

As an example, the way food reproduces itself is quite marvelous.  How each of us are unique. Also marvelous. How our bodies heal. Fantastic miracles abound. So much of the world is fantastic in this way; it's not evil.

Thanks for saying this. There are days I just need to see these kinds of answers. Today is one of them. Thank you for reminding me. 

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@soup You're welcome.

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The cicadas are in fact, a beast this year. Plus the dogs like to eat their shells which can make them sick. I'm getting irritated. Seriously. They are EVERYWHERE!

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@elsa I read that they are coming like gangbusters this year and that they are going to be very loud and everywhere. We don't seem to have them, but I heard from TN up through Missouri and Illinois they are supposed to be bad.

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@soup it's awful here.

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@elsa Male cicadas produce very loud calls that can damage human hearing

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@soup great! My neighbor is worried about the trees.

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My friend with dementia, just found my mother's day message. God, this is killing me.

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@elsa Aww... This is so sad.

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@soup thank you.  She texted, there were things in her brain and she was going to call me. It's so dreadful. But also, it's nearly everyone I know. 


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@elsa Painful to just read it. I am so sorry.

Hades Moon
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@elsa How sad 😞. It’s so hard watching people we care about deteriorate. Sorry you are going through this.

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@hades-moon thank you.

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Although I did lose my old friend to dementia, I never really felt the loss when she was still alive.  Now it seems so unreal that I can't just call her anytime even though I didn't as often as I now wish I had.  I can only say Call Her Often.  Treasure each time you can speak to her.

When mine was diagnosed with dementia several years ago, she'd already stopped using her cell phone and computer.  At first when her daughter had arranged live-in companions, they'd answer the phone when I called.  If I called and no one answered, repeatedly, I'd email her daughter. 

After she went into memory care facilities it became more challenging to get through by phone.  Eventually she had a cell phone again but it was usually turned off.  I'd call the facility and they'd relay to a nurse to find and activate it.  But even though texting is my usual form of contacting anyone, until today it Never Even Occurred to me to text her!  Why?

I could've texted her with something cheerful every single day.  Whenever a nurse turned on her phone she'd have gotten them all at once.  Another one of my lifelong "I could've had a V-8 moments."

On a bright note, she was such a happy and gracious soul despite many challenges in her later years.  In the care home she was known for her singing, sweet and spontaneous, every day.

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Mars in Gemini has been living like this every day since they were old enough to understand words. Otherwise, nothing gets done. 75 things get partially done. Without a list, I am nonfunctional. 

49/50 CEO’s Use This Simple Tool • Brian Tracy (


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Hades Moon
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@soup omg yes! I’m the same. This is how I worked through my degree, and how I function daily. No list = no progression and chaos.

I take notes with questions to my doctors and vet. My cats vet said “you must be a Virgo like me, as I like lists too” 😄(lovely guy). Of course, I had to let him know that I was an Aquarian with a strong Saturn which loves organisation 🙂.

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@hades-moon I have to make a list and set goals. The first three have to be done. And I check them off... one by one. If I get sidetracked, I go back to the list, or the rest of the day is me twirling about.... I'm doing dishes, how did I get here in the garage organizing a shelf, I am at Lowes, but why did I come here? I am not stupid or scatterbrained... but without my list and daily goals list I am so screwed. I come home from Lowes with Ferns... I went for a ceiling fan 😳 

I need to weed the flower beds, halfway through I am working on my bike chain. Why? How did I get over here? The Gemini brain looks like a bunch of scribble marks all over the place... God love Air signs... and mutables. The insides of their precious heads.... God love them one and all!!!! Good news is they are smart AF!! 

Hades Moon
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@soup 😄It’s a great way to be!. If a goal’s not on paper it does not exist, imo. Yeah, I agree that air signs/placements are mental assets 👍🏻♊️♎️♒️

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@hades-moon Zodiac smarties!!!!  I raised a Gemini Stellium and a Libra sun Gemini rising. Mother's always think their kids are brilliant but my two  😳 never had to crack a book to study.  Read it/heard it once...knew it forever. My husband is Aqua rising/Mercury. Scary smart!

Hades Moon
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@soup wow, you are surrounded by air 😄, you really do get ‘em.

I must admit if I had kids I would have been thrilled if they had good air placements. It is such a bonus in this challenging world to be born smart. 

Your sons sound so gifted; how cool 😎 .

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@hades-moon My kids were and are far from perfect but damn, so smart. Also, they are smart assess HAHA 

I can remember when they would have these little issues at school, but they never did anything to them for punishment because what are you going to do with the kid with the 4.0? 

Trust me, I was not like them in school. I had so many problems going on at home I was an emotional basket case trying to care for all my sisters and balance out my mother. I would have and could have done better but I had to be a parent in grade school. I had other priorities when I should never have had to worry about any of that. 

I made sure my kids never worried about adult things or even heard of them. Their childhoods were protected at all cost. When I look back and think of all the years of my life, I spent most of it protecting children. All my life. I still do. Even if it's from a distance. Kind of sad. I didn't have a lot of fun. Not the college kid, young 20something dating running around fun. I have always been someone's parent. 

I do have air around me. And mutables. Virgos, Gemini's, Aquarius placements. (married mutables) I adore them. All the they can talk. I love it. I've spent a lot of years protecting these people. Like... go near them and I will rip you to shreds... protecting these people. 

Hades Moon
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@soup Lol@smart asses.

Yeah, you really have spent much time nurturing/caring for kids/siblings. I find that very admirable, and I know they were able to reach their potential because of this.

I am sorry though, that you couldn’t just focus on being you, and having more fun when you were a little girl. No doubt, if things were different you would’ve excelled in school.

Looking after your siblings was an enormous responsibility. It’s amazing that being so young you rose to the occasion. Most kids would not know what to do. It’s like you came into this world Knowing.

Your loved ones are very lucky to have you in their corner 🙂.


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