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Random Thoughts & Conversation - Part 2

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This is for @cocopeaches - when driving my husband to eye surgery, I measured the distance.  The doc was ten Dollar Generals away. Smile

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@elsa Haha! I still hate those things. The original champions of shrinkflation... When I drive by them, I like to envision them out of business and repurposed as innovative community centers. I imagine places that would be truly beneficial to small rural towns like little libraries for kids to do homework together, tool and skill sharing centers, or farm market co-ops. 🙃

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@cocopeaches 40 miles = 10 dollar generals.

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@elsa That's quite a bit more than we have around me, so far... My town has dollar general, dollar tree, and family dollar... you can really begin to discern the nuances between the various dollar stores.

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More Americans are turning 65 this year than ever before, and that number is set to creep even higher over the next few years. An average of 11,200 Americans will reach that traditional retirement age each day in 2024. 

Here we go. This is where it's gonna get sticky. Watch and see. There are not enough young people to take care of all of the old people. I hope people are finding ways to work with siblings, cousins, all family and neighbors. Because there will be no one else to do it 

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🤣 everyone from back home right now! It must be bad! 😳

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@soup they're disgusting. We are bringing out the big guns here. Neem oil the fuckers!

And my dogs think God dropped dog cheetos from the sky, just for them. It's all I can do to keep them from snacking, every chance they get!

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@elsa All my friends and family say they are so loud and disruptive. They say they are hideous right now. The last time they were bad there... 2017. But not as bad as they claim now.

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@elsa I am literally living my worst nightmare. I’m so scared of these bugs. This feels demonic. How much longer? Does anyone know? I’m so scared to open my front door. It’s going to ruin the entire summer. I am not ok.

^^^^^ Exact words from my cousin 10 minutes ago

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@soup brace yourself 4-6 weeks.

We have dead bodies, everywhere, but a whole new wave has arrived.

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Somehow... Mercury square Pluto,  probably,  I thought of two more common, usual things (like growing up watching tv), that are factored out of my world... my life experience.  It's really grows the stack of oddness. I think it explains a lot, for good or ill.

It's somewhat surprising,  given a choice,  I'd definitely opt to not have what most everyone did. It's not surprising it's isolating. I don't think I noticed,  or if didn't matter, until the last ten years or so.  That was the first time,  I told, Satori, I hoped some fad that I hated, would go out of style.

She corrected me on that.  Said it would never go out of style. She was correct of course. So the collective is interested in things I'm not interested in.  You can say, sucks to be me, I guess.

One thing I realize,  is I'll never be with the majority or the status quo. I just have no way to merge.  This is more true, the older I get.

I think it's because the effects of whatever it is that you've done in your life, shows as you age. 

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We had totally different childhoods -- TV was my only companion -- but I was mostly at odds with the collective too.  Probably because my TV was old 30s-40s movies, soap operas, PBS dramas, Westerns, the stuff my middle aged parents watched, not the trendy shows.  

Never needed to merge.  We do become more who we really are as we age, who we've always been.

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Am I the only weirdo who loves the cicadas? 😅 I loved picking them up and hearing them sing since I was little. Now I go out on my deck in the early morning to hear them.

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Hades Moon
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@lislioness 😄 That sounds rather unique/quirky! It’s nice that you view the noise as singing 🎶 .

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