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Random Thoughts & Conversation - Part 2

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Not a beer drinker, but when I do have one, I prefer dark.   That guy who my husband knew in the military in the 1980's gave us a case of this.


My brother in law drank half of it, but the rest arrived and I am loving this... will need a nap after I drink it though. LOL lightweight.

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@elsa 🤣

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I strongly attract people who give the cold shoulder, like moths to a crusty porch light. I don't know if it's me or if this is just something everyone goes through. It's been every man in my family, at every single job I've had, and some of my relationships, but I don't stay friends with people who do this.

It doesn't hurt my feelings because I avoid bullshit. It's a weird way of attracting what you want, I guess. If you're petty and you think your absence is going to hurt me, well, keep at it! 

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Thinking about this because someone at work is doing it again. Go off, I guess. Poor me, getting left alone... 😈

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@rusalka I hear of lots of issues. This seems fairly unique and now I'm curious.

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@elsa Am I one of the issues? Asking in good faith. 

One woman at work - Cap Sun, Virgo Moon, Scorpio Mars, not one you'd expect to do this - will literally giggle with every staff and customer, then physically turn her back like a little kid if I have to say something. Before she went dark, she said she was mad because she felt like me and a coworker weren't listening to her, but 1. I did what she recommended and told her so, and 2. she didn't pick on the other guy, only me.

My dad and brother are especially like this. It used to drive me nuts. I just stopped having feelings about it. My subconscious might be bubbling over. Not all humans get along and this is to be expected. I also stir the pot and I know I have to lick the spoon when it's my turn. But there is always someone near me who has tendencies whispers all around me and give me the silent treatment instead of just fighting me. If you push back when I piss you off, I can compromise and deal with it. I like to get stuff out and make it right when I wrong someone. If you pout and act like not giving me attention is supposed to be the end of my world (when I don't want to be around me either lol) I lose all respect because I know it's all ego. I'm happy with people like that not talking to me. Not to ramble, but you were curious, so I laid out as much blog fodder as I could.

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Posted by: @rusalka

Am I one of the issues?

I'm not sure how you mean this, but if you're asking if you are involved in the dynamic - yes!  You're the common denominator.  Just the idea it happened with your family... and also later in life, strongly suggests there is something to discern here.  It's not just them as relationships are a two way street.

There are a number of strong tells in your note.  I think you can expect this pattern to continue, unless you opt to change something on your end. It's a matter of doing something the same way, expecting a different result. That only works out in the movies.

Thanks for satisfying my curiosity. I appreciate it, greatly.

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@rusalka I get a lot of something similar as well. I'm still not exactly sure why, but a large part of the reason is when I found out I'm neurodivergent.

I used to think it was not being likeable, but that wasn't it at all. Apparently some people don't like authenticity and not putting masks on. I have a Libra Moon, but I'm not artificial. I'm startling apparently, too much for polite society, so I get cold shouldered 🫠

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@lislioness Hey there. Funny you should mention your Libra Moon, I have an uber-tight Venus-Moon conjunction. Maybe psychos can feel how we want peace and love and decide to attack that. Or maybe they think we're fawning when we're just being nice.

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@rusalka It could be. I have Moon-Jupiter conjunct in Libra. But otoh I look like I always want a fight - Sun-Mars conjunct in Leo with Aries rising. I'm a walking contradiction 🫠🤣

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I feel society as a whole is pivoting right now. Does anyone else sense this?

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Yes. Certain segments are switching camps. Trade unions , middle class young people etc.

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@jana I see "leader / influencers" accounts, transitioning, so to speak.

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@jana there is also a two-face-ness happening, very overt (Mars).

It's interesting to watch.

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@elsa yes  can't describe right now

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My son has developed an allergy to the acrylic in his tattoos!  Future unknown at the moment. 

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@elsa tell him to hang on. We are having skin issues that may pass as the planets move. 

I don't have any tats and I am having skin issues. I have a Taurus moon. 

I dk what is hitting who or how but there are a lot of us here complaining of skin issues. Mine are trying to clear up on my legs, now my left upper arm is getting wonky. This is def transit related. Look really close at his transits. Fixed signs are suffering with their skin. 

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@soup Thank you.  He went to an allergist who told him he was allergic to acrylic.   He was given steroid creme which calmed it, eventually.

He was also told, some people have a reaction like this an it's permanent.... life in hell?  Some have it recur, like a flare. Others have it just once.

I did find people talking about it in forums.... tends to happen with red tats, most commonly?

I hope it's temporary and not the beginning of vague ill health for him.

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@elsa  vague ill health! You or I ...either one, could write a book on this, right? My lord the weird things I have had to try to address. No one could ever really figure out why.....why the rash? Why is my hair falling out? Why am I periodically numb here or there...???? Why does my heart race but never in front of a doctor? Why the vertigo? I could go on. 

I don't wish this on anyone. I hope it's just passing. 

I went to an allergist. They did the million needles in my back. OUCH. If I had to tell the things they said I was allergic to.... I was just looking at them like they were nuts. 

Hope that cream clears it for him. I am right behind him. Appt in a week or so for the same reason. 

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@soup I hope you get some clarity!

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@elsa Thank you. I just have some straggling skin issue that is puzzling, but I have to consider that I am not getting any younger and I have to expect things will be problematic as time goes on. We cannot live forever, thank God 😖

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@soup I have picked up allergies, which cause itchy rashes.

Sorbitol and mannitol, for example.  There are in a lot of medications. I react to even small amounts.

I even think I might be misdiagnosed with lupus... the sores on my face and arms that led me to this dx - allergy to splenda, which I used to consume gobs of.

I've been trying to discern this for months; nearly a year.

Stress definitely causes all kinds of problems. It's a high priority issue to address.

I have never had allergies, other than cats.  A pill with mannitol causes me to wake up, dripping in sweat. I didn't think this was even possible.  But sure enough, doc said, "go off the pill".

I took his advice and all symptoms disappeared, within two days. This includes the symptoms I was taking the pill for. It was a phantom condition... something I was diagnosed with 22 years ago.  Took pills for two decades. It's hard to fathom.

You just really have to mind what you put in your body. Henry was right!

He gave up on doctor's around 1940 and saw NO medical person whatsoever, until three days before he died in the 80's. He told us!

Also, do you remember when MRI's first came out? I do!  They said it was safe, because a person may only have one once in their life... every ten years or so. I can't count how many scans I've had.

Anyway, if was a scandal, back in the day. This was because doctors got sick of referring people for MRI - that facility made the $.  So doctors got together and bought MRI machines and referred patients to get the tests.  No conflict of interest there, right?

The day will probably come when doctors won't take a patient like me who passes on tests, which I would assume messes up their numbers. It's like working retail and being told to push memberships or warranties. Bonuses are based on such things, if not your job itself.

It's really the same way it's always been. Buyer beware!

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@elsa The acrylic/acrylates are one of the differences between dispersed (liquid) ink and powder ink. I personally wouldn't hold onto the chance it might "go away" in the sense that he won't have the allergy anymore. He should never do dispersed dyes again. He probably knows this. His immune system might stop freaking out about the ones he already has though, because that's just a thing immune systems do. If it doesn't, whatever areas are having the reaction will have to be lasered off, which would suck but relief will eventually come one way or another. I have to keep these things in my back pocket because I am also a little pierced 'n tatty. 

I'm not horribly concerned about this being the beginning of a downward health spiral. Allergies are notorious for streaking on the stage of a healthy, normal life. They pop up out of nowhere and have no context.

Also, this is NOT medical advice and carefully written not to be. I know from experience the doctor is not likely to warn him of this. Have him read about topical steroid withdrawal, he may want to make a plan to titrate off the med rather than suddenly discontinuing when the time comes. I cut mine with Vaseline or plain lotion.

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@rusalka thank you. This is pretty much what he was told. To not get tattoos with acrylic.

To me, it's odd as he's had the tattoos for some time.  Allergies used to have hard my previous life.  Me: cats. My husband: artichokes and bee /wasp stings.

Now, who knows?

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@elsa Yeah, it's not as common but it is weird how allergies can come up out of nowhere. My mom randomly had an anaphylactic reaction to a certain insect for the first time when she was in her 50s. Whereas her brother has been allergic to bees his whole life.

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@rusalka cripes!


This makes me think, Saturn in Pisces. Loss of control!

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@elsa She does have the Saturn in Pisces / Pluto in Virgo opposition natally. Still within range of her Saturn return. This incident happened back in like 2017 or 2018 though.

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@elsa I've heard of this, though I didn't know it was acrylic.  I can't stand to be around acrylic nail polish, as it makes me sneeze. 

I had an appointment with my allergist today.  Refilled my meds and told to take certain OTCs.  She sees me every 6 months now. I've made the pharmacy trip this afternoon.

I have quite a list of allergens. Avoidance is the best policy for me.

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@elsa interesting. Unfortunate. Sorry to hear this. How did he figure out that??

what are the symptoms?  

medically interested. 

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@nona every tattoo on his body started itching. He waited two days, then went to urgent care and then an allergist who diagnosed him.

He did send a pic. Inflamed tattoo,  with scratch marks. 

Steroid cream cleared it on the third day.

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That's scary, Elsa! I never knew there's acrylic in tattoos. And I have seven! My large red phoenix one isn't acting up, but I'll keep my eye on it. I sure hope it's temporary for Vid too! 

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