
Realist vs Fantasis...
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Realist vs Fantasist

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Realist vs Fantascist

Are you a realist? A fantasist? A combo of both?

What's the astrology?


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Combo of both.  In the blog thread about Temporary Insanity I mentioned my natal Sun-Neptune opposition square to my Uranus, Nodes, and Asc/Dsc.  

Hades Moon
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I’m probably a combo. I strongly relate to the realist’s traits but can see 2 of the fantasist’s traits within me.

I do sometimes fear that reality won’t match my expectations. I deal with this by trying not to have any expectations 🙃.

I find it necessary to turn up the volume and daydream to music at times. I find the escape from reality soothing.

The astrology is Aquarius sun v’s Pisces rising.

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When I was in psychology classes I took a bunch of personality tests and came out in the middle of two extremes, ie introversion/extroversion, rational/emotional, etc. 

**I think the fantasist  is a bit biased against in the above description--confusion and bad judgement vs. clarity and good judgment. I think the creator of that list is a realist lol

edit to add: I think you can see this down the middle for me in my heavy Saturn/Jupiter signature 

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@jana Agree with the bias.

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