All of the sudden, I am seeing, "transhumanism", everywhere. Can someone please tell me, specifically, what this term is referring to?
Thank you!
Didn't you post a video about that a few years ago? It was a woman recording from inside her home, she looked like a professor, artsy glasses, loonggg videos... it was during the lock down, she talked about land grabs, and I'm pretty sure it was all on the topic of transhumanism. Sorry I can't remember more specifics.
I think it's an umbrella that includes a lot of things, anywhere from wearable tech like apple watch, nanomedicine from vaccines to brain implants, to gene editing. I've been hearing about it here and there, for a while now. I guess it could be moving to the front with all the hubub about AI.
Joe Gonzales at BantamJoe dot com has been studying this and writing about it all for years. He also posts most of his articles on his FB page.
TL;DR, turning ourselves into cyborgs and trying to live forever.
Yesteryear's version.