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I can't believe how much I like this show. I don't care if it's implausible or whatever. Do. Not. Care. I don't care if is essentially a telenovela. I have enjoyed every frame of it and can't necessarily say why, other than it's a way to see what I think real life really is. 

Namely, love and friendship, supportive and longstanding relationships. My husband does not like subtitles, but he can speak Spanish.  He likes this too, well enough, though he hates this type Spanish.  We got hooked on Luke and Laura as kids so I guess this is like this, somewhat. But he doesn't watch every episode.

My favorite character is, Rita, pronounced, Ree-tuh, but the characters are well acted across the board.

I notice it's hard to binge this show because the episodes are longish, but also because they're satisfying. You don't see this very you have a great meal and everything is good and calm.

It's a throwback, I guess. Soap opera with some level of morals and people with talent and discipline.

Writing this, I see what it is that appeals to me. I've met every one of these characters in real life.  As compared to having never met a woman who could be 5'7", 120 #, beat up a man and jump over a fiery building. It's all so boring!

Rita di Velvet

This is Rita. She talks faster than anyone I have ever seen in my life.  This show has me saying, "buenos noches", to my husband, when we go to sleep. He laughs his ass off. I have been captured, like a flag!

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The last memorable TV series I watched was "Severance". It is about a corporation that offers its employees a severance package - a mindwipe procedure to separate their work memories from private live. Once they leave the office they have no conscious memory of what they have been doing there. NDA taken to a whole new level.

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I told my husband why I liked the show. He feels the same, adding, the old people look old; the young people look young.  It's a relief.

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@elsa Time for a trip out of America?!

Thanks for the recommendation, will check it out. I know the Spanish love their soap operas, Pedro Almodovar always weaves the soap opera style into his movies. 

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@sophiab we're caught at the moment. My mother in law is dying and we are here for the duration.

Also, my husband is not interested in travel at all anymore. Not at all, for any reason. 

I think he would move, but he would much rather not. If we moved, he would want to go to Panama, though we haven't talked about it recently.  

I could go by myself but this is not a great thing either... we have four dogs and they are used to me being here. But he will retire soon and his mother will pass. At that point, we'll see where we're at.  This is a slow transition year for us.

Of course, this is the personal side. No telling what will happen in the country in this time period.  At the moment, we're sticking and I would say that I'm bound... but not in a bad way.

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@elsa I hope you will be able to visit your relative in Australia at some point in the future. I think you would enjoy it there. Fingers crossed for opportunities and aligned circumstances ahead.

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@sophiab Yes, I guess this is possible as well.  Also, a large group of family want to meet here, at our house, "one last time", so this may happen as well.

The thing is, my husband really doesn't want to travel.  He's been around the world, at least twice... he hates flying, hates airports, he really wants to be at home and do his calculations and study the things he's interested in.

I have enough Libra, I am interested in the other person's comfort and happiness. I can't see dragging him... like a bull, behind me - no.

But I agree, it would be one hell of an experience. My God. What does one wear to Australia, lol.

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Last night I watched a Netflix documentary; Bad Surgeon, Love under the knife.
It was sad as patients died due to medical misconduct 😔.
I think my next viewing will need to be more light hearted and cheery 🙂.

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My husband is fully into, Velvet now.  He's yelling at, Pedro, at this point, who is another one of my favorites.

This is, Pedro.


My husband wants him to say the thing to the girl, but he just can't and my husband is ready to beat him pulp over this, lol.  "Say it!  Tell her, before I kick your ass to kingdom come!"

I see his point. Pedro is an excellent actor, and it's excruciating to watch him be, Pedro.

One thing about current tv, it's pretty common hate or at the very least, not care about or like, any of the characters. I like the all the characters in this show, outside of little worm, Enrique, who lacks any redeeming quality. He's just a turd in this show.

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I can wholeheartedly recommend 'The Father', starring Anthony Hopkins and Olivia Colman. I watched it over a week ago and can't stop thinking about it.

***this film explores Dementia/Alzheimer's and may be upsetting for some.

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i enjoyed it, i watched it on the plane on the way to the usa to help my elderly father and mother, and it was so touching. i absolutely understand whats going on so it was good to relate.

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@elisa yes, I feel it was cleverly made, which made it very relatable despite the subject matter.

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