
Illness and Sudden ...
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Illness and Sudden Death

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Soup asked me to write this, if I could. I'm going to try.  She's in a lot of pain as you'd expect. Her situation is ghastly. We all miss her but we're going to have to be patient and give her all the time she needs.  I'm sure she'll surface when she can. This message, though, is urgent.

I want to be careful to not speak for her, as she has her own voice.  We don't necessarily agree or even understand each other's positions, completely, but we're both having many loved ones become ill and in some cases die.

I can't personally tie this the shot in, specifically, but it's very suspicious. There are most definitely people getting clots and numerous people with heart problems to varying degrees.  Some of them are dead, some of them are hovering, some of them have been repaired, for the most part. 

Some of them are on meds for life. Others are hovering, waiting to for more information so the doctors can discern the proper treatment(s). Meds, surgery... whatever.

There also seems to be a lot of (turbo) cancer.  Again, we're not saying, or I am not saying, definitively, that we know the cause.  She specifically wants to warn people to get any kind of potential trouble of this kind, checked out immediately.

I told her this was risky, in that Saturn is in Pisces and people can easily be disabled by fear. Pluto in Capricorn as well - scared to death?  So please try to draw a line there.

I think this more like, having a normal healthy kid... you don't rush them to the doctor for any little thing.  But if you have a kid with a complicated situation, then you may not want to wait as long.

Soup's daughter-in-law was discovered, sitting up on the couch, in front of the tv, with her eyes open, dead. There is no autopsy so what? Heart attack?

We don't know. We also don't know if she was experiencing symptoms, prior, but she was very young.  So if you are experiencing symptoms, and you have had shot(s), I think it would be prudent to lower your threshold as far as when you should get to the doctor or the emergency room.

I am very sorry if reading this upset anyone but I hope you can see this is potentially a life and death situation.

Thank you.

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Please let Soup know that she and her family are in our prayers. 🙏🙏🙏

Her post about her daughter-in-law's doctors trying to control her dangerous symptoms was only six days before she died.  It's shocking that an autopsy isn't required by the medical examiner.  It should be mandatory in any case of unclear cause, for the sake of furthering scientific knowledge, and also for closure for the family.

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@warped this may be a different daughter-in-law. I'm not clear on this.

But she's known her since she was 14 years old. She was the one and only of one of her sons. As far as I'm concerned she lost her daughter.

The girl's mother made the no autopsy decision... she just lost her daughter, so... she really can't be expected to think.


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I lost my job (at 64 years old) due to non-compliance in 2022. I got the exemption but they required twice weekly PCR tests which I refused to take. One of the young men that worked there developed a very rare (turbo) cancer shortly after I left there. He was dead two months after diagnosis. My sister-in-law just lost a dear life long friend a month ago. They had attended an event together one day and my sister-in-law was to pick her up for lunch the next day. When sis got to her friend's house, there was no answer, even though sis knew she would be home. She looked in the windows and doors and couldn't see anything so she called her friend's daughter. The daughter came to the house and found the mother dead in her bed, holding her cell phone. There were no pre-existing health issues and she was fine the day before. Of course, no autopsy was done. That alone is super weird to me as it used to be that autopsies were always done if the person died at home with no health condition or obvious cause of death. Then, my friend and her husband are fully vaxxed and believe in it. Her 27 year old nephew was into rock climbing and snow skiing and other physical sports and traveled all over the world to do these things. Never been sick a day. His health rapidly deteriorated almost immediately after the first shot and got progressively worse with each shot. He couldn't climb a full set of stairs without having to stop and rest. He was finally diagnosed with pericarditis and has had several 'procedures' since then and his health will never return to what it once was. My friend finally had to admit it was from the shots but then said to me "I still think the shots are the right thing for us". Wow.


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@sage6911 I'm sorry about your job. Awful. 

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@sage6911 one of my old coworkers died from cardiac arrest at 43 not long after the shots. Not saying it caused it but…

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@sirena-oceana I've known of other cases of people dying suddenly with no apparent cause besides the ones I wrote about. I read that the number one cause of death listed in Toronto is 'cause unknown' because they're simply not doing autopsies anymore. Also that the insurance industry is sounding the alarm on a catastrophic level rise in deaths of younger folk which surpasses even those during war. It's hard to confirm any of this as information is tightly controlled and there's a lot of 'conspiracy' stuff floating around to throw researchers off.

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Thank you, Elsa. Yeah, it was a pretty big hit as I wasn't prepared nor planning on retirement until at least 70 y.o.

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I’ve spoken about this on here before, but I also experienced heart issues from (I believe) the shots or the virus one. My symptoms have mostly gone away, but when I experience a lot of stress, I feel it start to come back. I’ll get some more tests just to be on the safe side. For anyone reading this, the best thing I think you can do (besides getting all the medical tests needed) is to control inflammation. I know warped, Allie and soup shared a lot of supplements you can take in the past and there’s tons of info/research online about anti inflammatory diets you can try. One supplement I think helped me is quercetin. 

I’m wishing everyone lots of love and healing right now.

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I feel like I should maybe add a little disclaimer here that I’m not a doctor, and I’m just stating what worked for me. Please do your own research before taking anything and discuss with your doctor 😉 

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This would be a good time for people to search for a holistic doctor -- a doctor of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) or a Homeopathic doctor.  They may not be covered by most insurance, but having one to fall back on could be vital.

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