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What motivates you to wake up in the morning?

Posts: 169
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Joined: 14 years ago

I used to have the hardest time falling asleep, and I learned that praying really helped. Now I'm trying to engage with a prayer practice first thing in the morning to help me on the other end.

Posts: 200
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Joined: 11 years ago

getting up early to make those i love a good breakfast in the morning and reading something fun or educational. washing up brushing my teeth, looking forward to the birds to feed in the backyard, and the smell of good food and nature. I think maybe that's my earth grand trine, mars in virgo though. (maybe service and enjoying it, and nature/foodie, earthy) I drink a good chamonile tea if i can't sleep but usually it's because i drank coffee or drank caffeine late if i stayed up too late.

Hades Moon
Posts: 288
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Joined: 6 years ago

My cat 🐈‍⬛ motivates me to rise and shine. When I first joined this forum I had 3; gosh that was fun. The other 2, unfortunately passed away (old age & disease). I miss having 3 fur babies. In the future when life becomes a bit brighter, I can’t wait to get a couple of kittens. Without a doubt, the greatest joy in my life has come from my cats 😻.

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